Commons Church

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Psalm 91

Curated by Clint Siebert
Hillsong Worship - Cornerstone
All Sons & Daughters - Come Thou Fount
Phil Wickham - Living Hope
Passion - Build My Life

Curated by Kevin Borst
Bethel Music - Stand In Your Love
Be Thou My Vision
Hillsong Worship - O Praise The Name
Bryan & Katie Torwalt - Holy Spirit

Apple Music
Google Play Music

Written by Bobbi Salkeld

Confession, repentance, and fasting are practices on the path of Lent. And confession can really clear the pathway to see what is already true in your life.

That you are forgiven.
That there is nothing you can do to shrink the grace of God for you.
That mercy is present even when you aren’t aware.

So please join your hearts with mine as we take a moment to clear Lent’s pathway with a prayer of confession. You’ll hear the ancient Jesus Prayer three times - you are welcome to pray it out loud if you’d like.

Let us pray together.

In the presence of a loving Creator, we confess…
All the ways we take for granted so much of what we have -
Our home, our health, the food on our tables
Money in our bank accounts, comfort in our relationships
The peace we enjoy, the privilege we have but seldom acknowledge.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us, sinners.

In the presence of our dying Saviour, we confess…
All the ways our fear holds us back from the fullness of life -
We are afraid of what is different, we are afraid of what is next
We are afraid of what we do not know, we are afraid of what we do
We are afraid that what we have will be taken, we are afraid of death.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us, sinners.

In the presence of the sustaining Spirit, we confess…
All of the ways we live like you are far away -
As if you are distant, as if our every breath does not depend on you
As if you aren’t guiding us, as if you aren’t making all things new
As if we are not known by you, as if the worst in us keeps you away.

Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us, sinners.

Now, hear these words of assurance:
Your life is full of gifts to give,
You need not be afraid,
God is near to you.