Commons Church

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Father's Day: Sunday, June 21, 2020

Psalm 91

Curated by Kevin & Alyssa Borst
Bethel Music - We Praise You
Bethel Music - Goodness of God
John Mark McMillan - King of My Heart

Written by Scott Wall

Friends - today is Father’s Day.
A moment where we think about how our stories have been shaped by fathers, dads, mentors, and friends. 
And here at Commons, we acknowledge that for some of us, it’s hard to approach this day or the word ‘father’ without feelings of pain, absence, or longing. 

We acknowledge too that, for some, the celebration of fathers gives an opportunity to thank and appreciate those we cherish. 

The truth is that we can’t help but bring these things with us to this moment. 
Which is why we pause - and we think about the stories of Jesus. 

How Jesus came and spoke about God in a revolutionary way.
God as parent. And fiercely loyal. 
Ever and always looking and searching for those who find themselves lost…
a force of welcome that pulls us in and toward our true selves. 
And it’s with these ideas that I invite you to pray with me…
first in simple thanks, and then in a series of petitions.
We trust that these words will bring you peace and joy, wherever you find yourself - let us pray:

Oh God, Creator and Source of all. 
All life is a gift - and we confess that we are all your children. 
And today we give thanks for fathers everywhere - who through presence or adoption or effort or position have given us their time and affection…graciously, and in spite of their flaws.

For new fathers, full of hope. For long-time fathers, full of wisdom.
For the fathers yet to be, and fathers soon to be.
God, we give you thanks.

And with grateful hearts we ask…
For fathers who parent alone…grant them strength and wisdom.
For fathers who struggle with their own weakness and failure. Gracious God, be near.
For fathers who grieve their absent children, those who have lost a child…or those who long for a child…Gracious God, be their comfort.

For those who grieve the loss of a father lost today…who care for an ailing parent…those hoping for reconciliation or restoration…God, bring us your lasting peace.

Finally - we remember fathers who helplessly watch their children suffer and die because of injustice, violence, disaster and war. Oh great God…have mercy.

These things we pray in the name of Christ, who teaches us to trust your parenting heart.