Commons Church

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Year Three

September always feels like a new start. School is back in session, the pause of summer vacations have come to an end, and there is renewed focus on moving forward. It’s no different for us at Commons. And so every year we like to start September with a reflection on the central concepts that guide our community. This year we’ll take the letter of 1st John as our guide and walk through those three key values that shape Commons.

Intellectually honest. Spiritually passionate. With Jesus at the centre.

You Are Strong - 1st John 2 - Jeremy Duncan

Discussion Notes

Sometimes we need to hear someone else say the things we struggle to believe about ourselves. Because sometimes, when you’re not strong, to hear “you’re strong” makes you strong.

STart with Jesus - 1st John 1:1-5 - Jeremy Duncan

Discussion Notes

Everything else is like looking through a glass darkly - but when we look at Jesus, this is what God sees when he looks in the mirror.

The Pit of your Stomach - 1st John 3:11-18 - Jeremy Duncan

Discussion Notes

The point of 1st John is you can live after you die, sure… but you can live before you die too… fully and extravagantly. You can allow the pain of another to sink itself into you and you can redeem it by caring, you can heal it by serving… you can be part of transforming God’s world simply by opening yourself to the full range of human experience that comes when you live in community.

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