Commons Church

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Preparing for Christmas is often all about excess.

Getting the Christmas presents. Preparing the splendid meals. Packing the tree with so many ornaments that the branches bend under the weight
of them all. Excess can be beautiful. Party-worthy, even. But what about the years when you can’t afford Christmas extravagance? What if you just don’t have the energy for it all? What about the years when you don’t have enough?

The cast of characters in the Christmas story invites us to see that God works with limitations. In fact, it seems to be God’s preferred way. Mary was not wealthy enough to be the Mother of God. Joseph was not informed enough to be the father who would raise this boy. The shepherds are not respected enough to be visited by angels. The Magi are not in the know enough to understand the gift this Messiah brings.

And still, this is the season where we welcome limitation. Where enough sometimes really is enough.

Luke 1:46-55

Discussion Notes

Today we are talking about how Mary’s story makes all of us god-bearers who are enough for the work God wants to do in and through us.

Matthew 1:18-24

Discussion Notes

Today we’re looking at how Joseph trusted the unfolding of the Divine story without not knowing enough.

luke 2:8-20

Discussion Notes

Today we’re looking at the shepherds who were enough to be included in the story of Jesus even without respect.

Matthew 2:1-13

Discussion Notes

Today we’re talking about how those outside of the story bring it to life for those on the inside.