Commons Church

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Starts Jan 3, 2021

There’s no way around the challenging work of rebuilding and reconstructing relationships.

Because most of us have been there— Needing to forgive.

Wanting to lash out.

Caught in the awkward middle ground of owning what’s happened and trying to move forward.

Which is why—over the next few weeks—we want to reorient ourselves in this work. To consider the ways our broken hearts can be comforted. How broken connections are restored. But also, how the way of Jesus leads us into health in unexpected ways. Where we start to imagine that God’s renewal of all things might even include our friendships, families, and most intimate relationships.

January 3: What’s Forgiveness
January 10: Practicing Forgiveness
January 17: The Myth of Revenge
January 24: Boundary Setting

Luke 15:11-32

Discussion Notes

Today, we’re looking at what forgiveness is and is not, and what’s involved in the process of forgiving someone.

Matthew 6:9-13

Discussion Notes

Today we look at forgiveness as a practice that can help us live in the present and send the past away.

judges 14:1-15:11 & matthew 18:21-22

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Today we’re talking about why revenge never works, the subjectivity of our pain, how to defuse the power of revenge over us and Christ’s way of healing the world.

Matthew 5:38-41, Luke 6:27-28

Discussion Notes

Today we’re looking at how healthy boundaries can help us to forgive well, how to read the “eye for an eye” passages without naivety or promoting abuse, and how Jesus offers us a non-violent direct action that restores dignity, brings healing and puts forgiveness into practice.