Commons Church

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A travelogue is an account of a journey. It can be written with either factual details or as a narrative story but the interplay between the movement through the world and the transformation within the writer presents a unique opportunity. The writer of Luke takes full advantage of this in his Gospel as Jesus sets his face to Jerusalem and begins his journey. And Jesus walked. He wandered hills, travelled highways, strode across fields, and meandered streets of towns and cities. And as he walked he encountered people, asking them to join him. Once, making his way along the shore of the Galilee, he found some fishermen by the names of Peter and Andrew. He called them to follow him as he walked. They did. That small beginning carried repercussions far beyond whatever they could have initially guessed. To follow Jesus down the road will lead you to a place you cannot see or know now. As we begin our journey to Easter this Lent, we follow Jesus along the road less traveled. And trust that this will make all the difference.

Ash Wednesday is the traditional beginning of Lent, the six week season which precedes Easter. For generations now, Christians have sought to deepen their connection to Christ’s death and resurrection by journeying through a season of preparation. We give something up–we create space and lack–in order to participate fully in the moment of resurrection. We believe this is a wise and enriching practice and we want to help you get the most out of it.

Luke 9:51-56

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We look at what it means for Jesus to be resolute in his movement towards Jerusalem and what resolute commitment to building and rebuilding broken relationship looks like for us.

Luke 9:57-62

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Today we’re looking at the radical nature of the kingdom of God and how Jesus shows kindness by being honest about what it costs to follow him.

Luke 12:31-24

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Today we’re talking about how greed diminishes our imagination and the new path that Jesus offers.

Luke 14:1-24

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Today we’re looking at the God whose ever-extending invitation crosses the walls we create in and outside ourselves.

Luke 16:1-13

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Today we are talking about using dishonest wealth to make things right what it means for us.