
Welcome to Commons.

Sundays 9AM and 1030AM


Church is more than sermons and information; it breathes in conversations as we invite each other deeply into our lives. Our gatherings are not meant to be a show or a monologue, but rather an interactive experience–a dialogue. Join in, share what you have and take a piece of what others around you are offering. We work hard to make our Sunday gatherings an engaging and thoughtful experience, but it's the connections we make that bring that experience to life.

We love the vibrancy, the noise, the hope and the passion children bring into community. We want children to be "seen and heard" here at Commons. We have an amazing team of staff and volunteers, a secure check-in system to ensure your children are safe, and an engaging experience designed to help kids grasp God's love. When you come to church, your children are welcome to stay with you and experience the singing. After that, we will have a coffee break, during which you can check them in with our Commons Kids team.

At Commons, we talk about being "intellectually honest." For us, this means that even as we encounter Jesus, we want to keep our minds engaged in the hard work of bringing an ancient text into dialogue with our modern life. Working to understand history, context, and ancient practices in the light of Jesus is all part of the learning process at Commons. Bring your questions and doubts. They are welcome in the conversation.

Our services are 70 minutes. We begin right on time with some singing and liturgical worship elements designed to connect us with the ancient roots of the Christian tradition. Next, we have a coffee break so parents can check their kids into the appropriate program and we all have a chance to greet our friends. This is followed by a 30-minute sermon where we engage scripture together. Come as you are; we're pretty low-key.