Commons life.
All the steps we take together.
A big part of community are the markers we share along the journey: asking for prayer in a moment of need, dedicating our children in front of friends and family, declaring our commitment to the way of Jesus in Baptism.
At Commons, we are honoured to participate alongside you in these moments.
Receive Prayer
Each of us need prayer. Each of us needs to have a sense that there is a community that stands with us before God. We want to help make prayer an open and welcome experience in your journey.
That's why every Sunday after our services there are people that are available to pray with you. We won't make a big show of it, but you can simply make your way to the front and connect with someone wearing a Prayer Team name tag. We also have a number of people who are willing to pray for you during the week.
If you need prayer, let us know by filling out the form below. You can let us know anonymously or check the box if you would like someone to follow up with you. Grace and peace.
Believer Baptism
Baptisms are some of our favourite moments here at Commons. These moments celebrate with those who seek to make a public profession of faith, remind those who previously have been baptized of their own baptism, and commit our support as a community to each other as we live our faith together.
If you were baptized as a child but wish to make a public profession of faith we invite you to participate in an affirmation of faith alongside those who are being baptized for the first time.
Preparatory classes are offered to help us understand the significance of this sacrament and children are welcome to participate as parents deem appropriate.
Child Dedication & Baptism
In bringing your child to the community of faith to be either baptized or dedicated, you are acknowledging your desire and the child’s need for the gathered church to help children come to faith and to grow in faith throughout their lives. Baptism and dedication are similar, but not the same.
When parents bring their child for baptism, they acknowledge God’s promise and the unmerited gift of God’s redeeming grace. Its emphasis is on what God has already graciously done for us through Jesus Christ.
Parents who dedicate their children look forward to the day when the child hears, believes, and is baptized. The focus here looks toward the child’s conscious reception of God’s grace in time.