Thank you!
This Christmas, we did something incredible. Together.
Every year at Commons we commit ourselves to take the generosity inspired by the Christmas story and point it at those we can help. This year, we raised over $100,000 to help our neighbours by addressing immediate needs in the city.
THANK YOU! Donations to Commons can still be made for a 2024 tax receipt until midnight on December 31st.
We have chosen four areas where we can make a significant impact for our friends and neighbours.
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AFFORDABLE HOUSING $20,000 $40,000
Highbanks Society is a long-term partner of Commons. They have taken on the wonderful opportunity to expand their care with ten new units for vulnerable young mothers and their children in the new Hope Heights building. This Christmas, Commons will help ensure that each unit has the essential furniture and household items to create a safe, nurturing environment where these families can thrive.
Hope Heights is a four-storey apartment building in the Crescent Heights community. This project includes 35 one-bedroom rental units for young single mothers and their children and seniors.
The collaborative program is designed to provide stable, affordable housing for vulnerable populations, particularly young adults and their children, as well as seniors, with a focus on Indigenous communities. This proven intergenerational housing model proposed for Hope Heights, fosters a mentorship community where seniors mentor youth on Indigenous traditions and life skills while youth support seniors with companionship and daily living tasks. This mixed model aims to reduce social isolation, promote health, and enhance the well-being of both populations. The program will integrate cultural programming, mentorship opportunities, and life skills training, supported by case management staff on-site during the day.
Update 1: with our support announced and the need high, Highbanks has been allocated an additional five units, bringing the total to 15 women and their children who will find long-term housing in the Hope Heights project.
Update 2: Maillot Homes has promised to match all donations to Highbanks through Christmas. That means our $20,000 will turn into $40,000 to support vulnerable families!
FOOD SECURITY $20,000 $40,000
In 2021, we opened the COMMONS CUPBOARD, a resource-sharing initiative available to anyone in the community just outside the church. Since then, we have seen an alarming increase in food supply needs. In 2025, we are committing more than $1000 a month to keep the cupboard stocked with food available 24/7 to the neighbourhood. We have also relocated the cupboard to a more prominent spot near our entry on Kensington Road. With close access to transit, the Cupboard has become an important fixture for many in the neighbourhood.
In addition to our efforts through the Commons Cupboard, this Christmas, we are again partnering with local restaurants to prepare and deliver Christmas meals to vulnerable Seniors in the housing units closest to the church.
Finally, our annual Advent Campaign provides the resources for benevolent care for those in the Commons’ communities and neighbourhoods who need help throughout the year. This takes the form of intervention when housing is at risk, grocery and food for families and individuals needing support, and financial counselling and crisis support where necessary. Often, these stories are delicate and private, but it is an honour for our community to help where we are invited and a significant part of our role in the neighbourhood.
Update: a generous member of the Commons community has promised to match all donations going to these food security projects. This means we will be able to increase our commitment to $2000 in groceries for the Commons Cupboard every month and expand to 217 vulnerable seniors who will receive Christmas meals from Commons!
Commons has an ongoing commitment to use our resources in ways that contribute to indigenous reconciliation. Over the past decade, we have built new partnerships with indigenous-led organizations in the city. This Christmas, we will be supporting the Urban Society for Aboriginal Youth. We are continuing our support that provides access to an Indigenous elder at Alpha House and working with Brenda Stafford Centre to support their Indigenous housing initiative. Last year, we began a new partnership with Makwa Dodem, a local Indigenous-led program working to equip and empower Indigenous communities to prevent sexual exploitation, and we are excited to continue supporting their work.
Commons has a long-standing relationship with Louise Dean School through Kindred. While the young moms’ program relocated to a new school in the fall, we want to continue our scholarship support for young moms graduating and entering post-secondary education. We also support Made by Momma and the Hillhurst Community Centre in their respective support of education and housing for young mothers and vulnerable seniors in our neighbourhood.
MARDA LOOP $20,000
At our 10th anniversary, we announced the incredible opportunity that has come to us as Marda Loop Church has joined the Commons story. With our Kensington Parish once again bursting at the seams with four services every Sunday, we are excited to begin working toward the launch of a new parish in the community. However, there are considerable structural issues that need to be addressed in the Marda Loop facility before our parish planning can begin.
Your support this advent will help us as we begin the architectural and engineering work that needs to be done to develop a long-term plan for the facility and our presence in the South Calgary neighbourhood. We believe that a continuing Christian presence in the core neighbourhoods of Calgary is a missional value for Commons, and our ability to address the spiritual and social good of Marda Loop is a priority for our next ten years.
This Advent, we raised over $100,000 together. Thank you for your contribution. Your gift means the world to someone.
Donations to Commons can still be made for a 2024 tax receipt until midnight on December 31st.
Join us for
We love the celebration of Christmas Eve!
After waiting well through Advent, we are ready to burst into the new world of the Christ Child, who has arrived in our midst. We invite you to join us for a Christmas celebration. With six service times to choose from, everyone is welcome. These services are designed for the whole family to participate together.
SIX in person services and live on our YouTube channel.
All donations received will be designated for the specific projects above. Any donations received beyond the goal will be used within the church's Local and Global Development Fund, which supports all of our ongoing Missions and Benevolence work.