Lesson plans.
Lesson 4: Returning to Nazareth.
Matthew 2:19-23 - After King Herod died, the angel appeared to Joseph again in a dream to tell him that it was safe to return to Israel with Mary and Jesus. However, Herod's son had become the king of Judea in his place and they were afraid to return there. Instead, Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went to Nazareth in Galilee. This fulfilled the prophesy that the Messiah would be called a Nazarene.
Lesson 3: Escape to Egypt.
Matthew 2:13-15 - When the wise men had gone home after visiting Jesus, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream, warning him that King Herod was going to try to kill Jesus, and that they should escape to Egypt. So Joseph, Mary, and Jesus stayed in Egypt until King Herod died. This happened in fulfillment of the prophesy from Hosea, “Out of Egypt I called my Son.”
Lesson 2: Wise men visit Jesus.
Matthew 2:1-12 - After Jesus was born, the wise men, also known as Magi, came searching for “the one who has been born king of the Jews.” They had seen a star in the sky which alerted them to his birth, and wanting to find him to worship him. But when King Herod of Judea heard about it, he was disturbed by the news. He found out from the chief priests and religious teachers that the Messiah (anointed one) was to be born in Bethlehem. So Herod sent the Magi to Bethlehem to search for the child, and asked them to bring him news as well. When the Magi found Jesus, they were overjoyed, bowed down and worshipped him, and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. However, they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, but to go by a different route.
Lesson 1: An angel appears to Joseph.
Matthew 1:18-25 - In this passage, Matthew recounts the story of how Jesus’ birth came about. A woman named Mary was pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, but before they got married, she was found to be pregnant. Joseph didn’t want Mary to be publicly shamed, so he decided to divorce her quietly. However, an angel appeared to him in a dream telling him not to be afraid and that Mary was pregnant through the Holy Spirit. The angel announced that the child would be named Jesus and that he would be the savior of all people. Jesus would also be called Emmanuel, which means “God with us.”