Lesson plans.
Lesson 4: Mary and Martha.
Luke 10:38-42 - Once Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha. Mary sat with Jesus and listened to his words, while Martha was busy and distracted with preparations. Martha got frustrated and asked Jesus to tell Mary to come and help her. Jesus answered with compassion, saying that Martha was worried and upset about many things but that only one thing is needed, and that Mary had chosen the better thing, which would not be taken away from her.
Lesson 3: Philip and Nathaniel.
John 1:43-51 - When Jesus went to Galilee, he found Philip and called him to follow him. Philip went and told his friend Nathaniel that he had found the Messiah written about in the Scriptures, Jesus of Nazareth. Nathaniel was surprised to hear that anything good could come from Nazareth, a small and unimportant town. When Nathaniel came to meet Jesus, Jesus spoke as if he already knew Nathaniel, saying "Here is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit." When Jesus told Nathaniel that he saw him sitting under a fig tree earlier, Nathaniel believed that Jesus really was the Messiah and Son of God, but Jesus told them that that they would see even greater things than that.
Lesson 2: The calling of Matthew.
Matthew 9:9-13 - Jesus approached a man named Matthew who was sitting at a tax collector’s booth. He called Matthew to follow him, and Matthew got up and followed. Later, Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, along with many other tax collectors and “sinners”. The Pharisees asked Jesus’ disciples why this was, and when Jesus heard of it, he said that it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick; that God desires mercy not sacrifice; and that he has not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
Lesson 1: Jesus calls his first disciples.
Matthew 4:18-22 - Walking beside the Sea of Galilee, Jesus sees Simon and Andrew, who were fishermen. He calls them to follow him and says that he will send them out to fish for people. They immediately drop their nets and follow him. Jesus then sees James and John, who were also fishermen. When he called them, they too dropped their nets and followed him.