Lesson plans.
Lesson 4: Following Jesus’ footsteps.
Mark 10:35-45 - James and John approached Jesus to ask him a favor. They wanted him to give them the most honored seats in the kingdom, on Jesus’ right and left sides. Jesus asked them if they were able to go through the same sufferings that he would have to go through, and they answered “Yes.” Jesus then said that even though they really would have to suffer just like him, he still wasn’t able to promise them the most honored seats. The other disciples were angry at James and John for asking for this, and Jesus reminded them that those who want to be the greatest among them need to learn how to be humble and a servant to all, just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve.
Lesson 3: Whoever is not against us.
Mark 9:38-41 - Once when Jesus and his disciples were together, John spoke up and said that they had seen someone driving out demons in Jesus’ name, but that they told him to stop because he wasn’t one of the disciples. Jesus responded that they shouldn’t have stopped him, because anyone who isn’t against them is on their side.
Lesson 2: Greatest in the kingdom.
Matthew 18:1-4 - When asked by his disciples who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus called a little child to him and told them that in order to enter the kingdom, they must become like a little child. Furthermore, anyone who wishes to be great in the kingdom should take on the lowly position of a child.
Lesson 1: Jesus the Messiah.
Matthew 16:13-20 - One day, Jesus asked his disciples to tell him who people say that he is. They answered that some say he is John the Baptist, others say that he is Elijah, and still others say that he is Jeremiah or one of the prophets. Jesus then asks who they think he is, and Peter responds that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus blesses Peter for this answer, because he learned it from God and not from people, and then gives him the “keys” to the kingdom of heaven.