Lesson plans.

Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 1: Who is the greatest?

Mark 9:33-37 - Jesus traveled with his disciples, and when they arrived in Capernaum, Jesus turned to them and asked them what they were arguing about on the road. They kept quite because they didn’t want to admit that they were arguing about which of them was the greatest. Jesus addressed them and said that anyone who wants to be first must be last and the servant of all. He then brought a small child among them and said that whoever welcomes one of the little children welcomes him and the one who sent him.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 1: The rich man and the kingdom.

Mark 10:17-31 - A rich man came to Jesus asking him about the way to get eternal life. Jesus told him to follow the commandments, to which the man replied that he had done so since he was a child. Jesus then told him that there was one thing missing, he needed to sell all that he had and give to the poor, then come follow Jesus. The man went away sad because he was very rich. Jesus turned to his disciples and told them that is very hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven, but that with God all things are possible. Peter spoke up, saying that they had left everything to follow Jesus, and Jesus responded that they would certainly receive a hundred times as much in the present age, and in the age to come eternal life.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: Following Jesus’ footsteps.

Mark 10:35-45 - James and John approached Jesus to ask him a favor. They wanted him to give them the most honored seats in the kingdom, on Jesus’ right and left sides. Jesus asked them if they were able to go through the same sufferings that he would have to go through, and they answered “Yes.” Jesus then said that even though they really would have to suffer just like him, he still wasn’t able to promise them the most honored seats. The other disciples were angry at James and John for asking for this, and Jesus reminded them that those who want to be the greatest among them need to learn how to be humble and a servant to all, just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 3: Whoever is not against us.

Mark 9:38-41 - Once when Jesus and his disciples were together, John spoke up and said that they had seen someone driving out demons in Jesus’ name, but that they told him to stop because he wasn’t one of the disciples. Jesus responded that they shouldn’t have stopped him, because anyone who isn’t against them is on their side.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 2: The growing seed.

Mark 4:26-29 - Jesus taught that the kingdom of God is like a man scattering seeds on the ground, and every night and day, the seed sprouts all on it’s own though the man doesn’t know how. Eventually, the crops are fully grown and it’s time for the harvest.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: Jesus walks on water.

Mark 6:45-52 - After miraculously feeding 5000, Jesus tells his disciples to get on the boat and go ahead of him to another town. After they left, he dismissed the crowds that were following him, and went up to a mountainside to pray, before walking on the water and catching up to them. When they saw Jesus, they thought he was a ghost and were terrified. Jesus announced that it was him, and the disciples were amazed. They still didn’t understand who Jesus was.

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