Lesson plans.
Lesson 5: The empty tomb.
John 20:1-18 - Early in the morning, on the Sunday after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene came to visit his tomb but found that it was empty. She thought that someone must have stolen Jesus’ body and so she went to Peter and another one of the disciples to tell them what had happened. They ran to the tomb to see for themselves and found it empty as Mary had said and left. Mary was standing by the tomb weeping when she saw two angels who asked her why she was crying, and she told them that Jesus’ body had been taken away. She then saw a man who she thought was the gardener, and asked him if he saw where they had taken Jesus. When the man said her name, she realized that it was Jesus and that he had risen from the dead, so she ran to tell the rest of the disciples the news.
Lesson 4: Jesus carries his cross.
John 19:17-24 - After Jesus’ arrest and questioning, he is sentenced to death on the cross. He carries his own cross on which Pilate had fastened a sign that said “The King of the Jews.” Some objected to this sign, saying that it should instead say “This man claimed to be king of the Jews.” After Jesus was crucified, the soldiers divided his clothes amongst themselves, which was in fulfillment of a prophesy from the Scriptures.
Lesson 3: Jesus stands before Pilate.
John 18:28-40 - Jesus is arrested and brought to the palace of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. He is questioned by Pilate about whether or not he is the King of the Jews. Jesus claims that his kingdom is not of this world, but comes from another place. Pilate does not believe that Jesus is guilty of any wrongdoing, and asks the people if they would like him to be pardoned, but they refuse, and ask to have a criminal named Barabbas pardoned instead.
Lesson 2: Jesus visits the temple.
Matthew 21:12-17 - Jesus and his followers go to the temple in Jerusalem where he turns over the tables of the moneychangers and sellers, incensed that they were turning God’s “house of prayer” into a “den of robbers.” He then heals all the blind and lame who come to him, and the children start shouting praises. When the religious leaders get indignant by this, he reminds them the Scriptures which says that from the lips of children and infants, God has called forth praise.
Lesson 1: Jesus arrives in Jerusalem.
Matthew 21:1-11 - Jesus arrives in Jerusalem with his followers and requests for a donkey to be brought to him, so he can ride into the city on it. This was in fulfillment of the prophesy that the Messiah (promised king and saviour) of Israel would come to them riding on a donkey. A large crowd had gathered at the city gates and were spreading cloaks and palm leaves on the ground in front of Jesus, shouting praises to him as he passed.