Lesson plans.
Lesson 5: The family of God.
Luke 8:19-21 - Once when Jesus was teaching, his mother and brothers came to see him, but they couldn’t reach him due to the large crowd surrounding him. Someone informed him that his mother and brothers were looking for him, and he took the opportunity to teach the crowd that anyone who listens to and obeys God’s word are his mother and brothers.
Lesson 4: Finding rest in Jesus.
Matthew 11:28-30 - Jesus encourages his followers to come to him when they are tired and weary, and he will give them rest for their souls. The “yoke” or “burden” of Jesus’ teachings is light because he gives us strength in our weakness and helps us to carry them.
Lesson 3: The path of following Jesus.
Matthew 8:18-22 - Once a religious leader came to Jesus, wanting to follow him wherever he went. Jesus warned him that the path would not be comfortable - "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." Then another man came and told Jesus that he would follow him, but to let him wait and bury his father first (ie. to wait until his father died). Jesus encouraged him to take the step and follow him now, rather than waiting for the right time.
Lesson 2: Light of the world.
John 8:12 - Jesus teaches his followers that he is the light of the world, and that anyone who follows him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.
Lesson 1: Jesus blesses the little children.
Matthew 19:13-15 - Once when Jesus was teaching a large crowd, some people were bringing their children to Jesus so that he could pray for them. However, the disciples rebuked them and tried to keep the children away. Jesus responded by telling his disciples to let the children come to him and not to hinder them, because the kingdom of God is for them too. Then he blessed them and went on his way.