Lesson 5: Jesus and Peter.

Passage: Luke 5:1-11 - One day Jesus was standing by the lake and the crowds gathered around to listen to the word of God. When he saw two boats left by the water, he got into one of them, put it out a little from the shore, and then began teaching from the boat. When he had finished, he told Simon Peter, who owned the boat, to go out into deep water and let the nets down. Peter replied that they hadn’t caught anything all night, but that if Jesus says so, he would put down the nets. When he did this, he caught so many fish that the nets began to break and the boats started to sink. Peter fell to his knees and pleaded with Jesus to go away from him because he was ashamed of his own sinfulness. Jesus told him not to be afraid because from now on he would fish for people. He and his companions left everything and followed Jesus.

Big Idea: Jesus calls us to follow him.

For Teachers:

Lesson plan.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Christmas Themed Simon Says — Activity Leader

    Ideas: clomp like a reindeer, laugh like Santa, fly like angels, sneak in like the Grinch, etc.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    It is our last Sunday before Christmas!

    In our Christmas series we’ve been hearing all about Jesus from some of the different Bible characters like Jesus’ friend John the Beloved, his mother Mary, one of the shepherds who visited Jesus as a baby, and Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist.

    In today’s video we’ll be hearing from one more character. This time, a fisherman named Simon Peter!

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • Who was the Bible character that was in the video today?

    • What was Peter’s job? What did Jesus tell him to do at the beginning of the story? What happened next?

    • How did Peter react when he saw this miracle of the big catch of fish? What did Jesus say would be Peter’s new job instead of being a fisherman?

    • What do you think it means when Jesus told Peter that he would now fish for people?

    • How do you think Peter and his friends felt when Jesus called them to follow him? Do you think that Jesus also calls us to follow him? What are some ways can we follow Jesus?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Peter the fisherman and how Jesus called Peter to follow him and fish for people by leading them to follow Jesus too. Thank you that we know that we are all called to follow Jesus by listening to his teachings and following in his ways, spreading God’s love and peace in the world. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Popsicle Stick Nativity — Activity Leader

    Kids will be given popsicle sticks, stars, black paper, and people cut outs, which they can use to create their own nativity scene.

    If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Christmas Telephone — Activity Leader

    Kids will sit in a circle and pass along a message, such as a Christmas related Bible verse or a line from a Christmas song.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    It is our last Sunday before Christmas!

    In our Advent series we’ve been hearing all about Jesus from some of the different Bible characters like Jesus’ friend John the Beloved, his mother Mary, one of the shepherds who visited Jesus as a baby, and Jesus’ cousin John the Baptist.

    In today’s video we’ll be hearing from one more character. This time, a fisherman named Simon Peter!

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • Who was the Bible character that was in the video today?

    • What was Peter’s job? What did Jesus tell him to do at the beginning of the story? What happened next?

    • How did Peter react when he saw this miracle of the big catch of fish? What did Jesus say would be Peter’s new job instead of being a fisherman?

    • What do you think it means when Jesus told Peter that he would now fish for people?

    • How do you think Peter and his friends felt when Jesus called them to follow him? Do you think that Jesus also calls us to follow him? What are some ways can we follow Jesus?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Peter the fisherman and how Jesus called Peter to follow him and fish for people by leading them to follow Jesus too. Thank you that we know that we are all called to follow Jesus by listening to his teachings and following in his ways, spreading God’s love and peace in the world. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Popsicle Stick Nativity — Activity Leader

    Kids will be given popsicle sticks, stars, black paper, and people cut outs, which they can use to create their own nativity scene.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Hungry Hungry Reindeer Minute to Win It — Activity Leader

    Kids will put red cups on their hands and try to pick up as many mini marshmallows as they can within one minute.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today is the last Sunday before Christmas and the last week of our Advent series!

    So far, we’ve been learning about who Jesus was according to some of his closest friends, family and others who were around him. We’ve heard from the perspectives of John the Beloved who was a close friend of Jesus, Mary his mom, one of the shepherds who visited Jesus as a baby, and finally John the Baptist who was Jesus’ cousin.

    Today our special guest will be Simon Peter, a fisherman who became one of Jesus’ twelve disciples.

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What did Peter say happened on the day that Jesus called him to become his follower?

    • What was Peter’s reaction when he saw the miracle of the huge catch of fish? Why do you think he reacted that way?

    • What do you think Jesus meant when he said that Peter would now fish for people?

    • What do you think it takes to be a follower of Jesus? Why do you think Peter and his friends were so willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus?

    • What are some of the best and the hardest parts about following Jesus for you?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Peter and how he left his job as a fisherman to follow Jesus and fish for people. Thank you that we know that we are all called to be followers of Jesus too and that although it can be a difficult path, it is worthwhile because of the love and peace that Jesus brings to us and to the world through us. May we take every opportunity to share your goodness and love with others. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Popsicle Stick Nativity — Activity Leader

    Kids will be given popsicle sticks, stars, black paper, and people cut outs, which they can use to build their own nativity scene.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

For Parents:

Follow-up questions.

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • Who was the Bible character that talked about Jesus in the video?

    • What was the job that Peter was doing at the beginning of the story?

    • What was the cool thing that happened when Jesus told Peter to throw down his nets into the water? How did Peter react?

    • How do you think Peter felt when Jesus called him to come follow him? What are some ways that we can follow Jesus too?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • Who was the Bible character that was a special guest in the video? What was Peter’s job?

    • What was the miracle that Jesus did for Peter in the story? How did Peter react when he saw the big catch of fish?

    • What did Jesus say next? What do you think he meant when he said that Peter would now fish for people?

    • How do you think Peter felt when Jesus called him to become his follower? What are some ways that we can follow Jesus each day?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • Who was the Bible character that was in the video? What do you remember about him?

    • What was the surprising thing that Jesus told Peter to do at the beginning of the story? Why was it surprising? What happened next?

    • What do you think Jesus meant when he said that Peter would now fish for people?

    • Why do you think Peter and his friends were so willing to leave behind their jobs and everything to follow Jesus? What are some ways that we can follow Jesus each day?


Lesson 1: Paul meets Jesus.


Lesson 4: Jesus and John the Baptist.