Commons Church

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Lesson 5: Jesus and Peter.

Passage: Luke 5:1-11 - One day Jesus was standing by the lake and the crowds gathered around to listen to the word of God. When he saw two boats left by the water, he got into one of them, put it out a little from the shore, and then began teaching from the boat. When he had finished, he told Simon Peter, who owned the boat, to go out into deep water and let the nets down. Peter replied that they hadn’t caught anything all night, but that if Jesus says so, he would put down the nets. When he did this, he caught so many fish that the nets began to break and the boats started to sink. Peter fell to his knees and pleaded with Jesus to go away from him because he was ashamed of his own sinfulness. Jesus told him not to be afraid because from now on he would fish for people. He and his companions left everything and followed Jesus.

Big Idea: Jesus calls us to follow him.

For Teachers:

Lesson plan.

For Parents:

Follow-up questions.