Jesus-Centered Theology
Here it is, a four session crash course in how putting Jesus at the centre changes the way we read Scripture and do theology.
So whether you've been around a while or you're still settling in around here. Whether you're a Bible nerd, exploring the Christian tradition, or just hoping to connect with others from Commons, this course is for you.
Key Goals:
• Examine your personal interpretive lenses shaped by experiences, education, and community.
• Learn to use Jesus as the central lens for interpreting scripture, enhancing spiritual growth and understanding.
What You’ll Learn:
• Explore the origins, composition, and interpretive traditions of scripture, focusing on the gospels.
• Investigate key theological concepts, including ancient mythologies, violent histories, and apocalyptic imagery.
• Develop a deeper awareness of how scripture shapes and is shaped by historical and personal contexts.
Jesus Centered Course
The Lenses We Use
This session introduces a course on Jesus-centered theology, exploring scripture through the lens of Jesus’ life and teachings. It emphasizes the diversity of perspectives and interpretive traditions within Christianity.
Ancient Myth and Imagination
This session explores how ancient myths, the Hebrew imagination, and the life of Jesus shape our understanding of scripture.
The Bible as Violent Text
This conversation identifies how Jesus reinterpreted scripture and tradition, and how this offers us a framework for how to approach the violence we find in the text.
Apocalypse Revisited
We explore the book of Revelation and compare the difficult and often violent imagery to the Jesus we encounter in the Gospels.
At Commons, we're fascinated with the Bible. But we worship Jesus.
The scriptures lead us to the realization that Jesus is the only exact representation of the divine and that God has always looked like Jesus even when we didn’t see that clearly.