Sunday, August 20, 2017
Psalm 133
Curated by Kevin Borst
Hillsong Worship - Love So Great
Audrey Assad - Be Thou My Vision
Bethel Music - God I Look To You
All Sons & Daughters - Great Are You Lord
By Kevin Borst
God you are worthy of all of our praise. As the giver of life, you are the hope we are running after. May you continue to restore us and be our light.
We belong to you God. In the risen Christ we pray,
By Scott Wall
Friends, it is my privilege to invite you to the Eucharist table.
As we come to the table today, I want to remind you of the themes of ‘receiving’ found here.
First and foremost, in our observance of bread and wine, of Christ’s body broken and life poured out, we receive the mystery of the Church and its faithful rejoining of Christ’s final meal with his friends where all of his giving and self-emptying came into focus.
‘This is my body…for you. This cup is a new promise…for you.’
And in our grasping of fruit from field and vine, we as the Church join with those before us, and those gathered today around the world affirming that we are sustained and made whole as we receive from Christ. In addition to this mystery, we also receive each other here.
In our coming forward we respond to the gifts of God but we also enact an invitation to one another. Where in our imperfection, our fatigue, and our search for meaning, we lay our hierarchies and comparisons down. And we draw near to each another on this level ground, extending God’s mercy as we do so.
So as you come, be aware of those who walk beside, behind, and around you. Acknowledge their frailty, their silent burdens, their beauty as God’s creation, as you do your own. Be present to your own heaviness or perhaps your buoyant joy today giving thanks for this moment. And as you come, do so not because you are compelled or because you’ve earned the right but because of Christ’s ever present welcome and his generous embrace.
These are the gifts of God for all, receive them with joy and expectation now. Come.