Sunday, February 21, 2021

Psalm 100

Curated by Kevin & Alyssa Borst
Hillsong Worship - See The Light
Hillsong Worship - O Praise The Name
Hillsong Worship - Fresh Wind
Bethel Music - Heaven Come

Written by Bobbi Salkeld

You and me – we come from a long tradition of praying for the needs of others. 

In Hebrews 6, the author says praying for each other is a part of maturing – and it looks like being close enough to someone else’s pain that you can carefully place your hand on them. It’s tactile compassion. 

While we are apart, there are still so many needs for us to hold in community. Today, as we stay open to others’ needs, I invite you narrow in on one. Take a moment to think about one person with a need. And we will pray for them. 

As I pray for needs, I invite you to type the word HOLDING – just that word “holding” – into the live chat. We will see you place that word here, and it will be like we lay our hands on the hurt you hold for another person. 

And together, we trust Christ, who loves all and is with all, to be near. 

Let us pray. 

For those holding – 
The stress of unfinished work or a dwindling bank account.
For those holding –
Loss of another disrupted school year or hangups that create unhealthy habits. 
For those holding – 
Depression as a day bleeds into the next or tension in shoulders and lower backs. 
Christ in bodies and minds, 
be near.

For those holding –
Distress for elders or heartache from absence. 
For those holding –
The same old ruts in relationships or instincts that hide a person from love rather than expose them to trust.  
For those holding –
Differences of belief in family or blame that breaks people apart. 
Christ offered in relationships, 
be near. 

For those holding –
Disruption to safety in violent conflict or the work of piecing a community back together. 
For those holding –
Greed when they would be freer if they chose generosity or racism that stops justice from flowing.  =
For those holding –
Anger that blocks growth or fear of those who look differently, love differently. 
Christ present to struggle, 
be near. 

We take a moment to be quiet. We hold a space for the one you are holding. 



Sunday, February 28, 2021


Sunday, February 7, 2021