Hands at Work Update

This quarterly update from Kalende shares the story of Abigirl - a young girl without a father to provide and care for her and her family. Her mother turns to selling herbal remedies to make a little money to provide for her 4 children. Unfortunately, this is seen as practicing witchcraft, which leads to further ostracizing of this family.
Yet, there is hope! Abigirl and her siblings come to the Care Point in Kalende and get a hot meal everyday. They can go to school in their community. Care Workers, like Rosaria, show love to them through food, a conversation and even play. And if you ever have the privilege of meeting Rosaria, you will never forget her big hugs, warm smile and hearty laugh! She is a true gem!
I love that Abigirl dreams of becoming a nurse. Not just because I happen to be a nurse myself, but because this means she has hope for the future. It means that despite her experiences of abandonment, extreme poverty and vulnerability, love is winning in this little girl’s heart! I’m not sure it is possible to dream without having hope. It also seems impossible to have hope without the basic provision of physical nourishment and genuine human connection. Thank God there are Care Workers, like Rosaria, willing to seek out the vulnerable in their community, serve with humility and shower with love! It is making all the difference to children like Abigirl!


2021 Q1 Financial Update


2020 Q3 Financial Update