Trying to Manipulate God

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 13

  • In this last message of the Last of Them series, we delve into the complexities of biblical translation and the importance of understanding the spiritual narratives over literal details, using the story of King Saul from 1 Samuel 13. The message highlights Saul's failure to comprehend the deeper purposes of religious rules, leading to manipulative actions and his eventual downfall. True faith involves internalizing the teachings to guide actions instinctively, rather than rigidly adhering to or exploiting religious protocols.

  • Community is shaped by the conversations we share. These questions and reflections are a tool to help you meaningfully engage with the themes of this week's teaching.

    Summer Discussion Guide 2024

    If your group is meeting this summer and wants to talk about the sermons, here are a few questions that you could use to engage with our teaching.

    - What specific part of the message resonated with you the most? Why do you think that particular part, or idea, or story caught your attention?

    - Did the sermon speak into a particular struggle or question in your life or your faith journey right now?

    - What did the message challenge or encourage you personally?
    And what do you think the application could be for our church community? Was there anything that could strengthen or stretch us as a church?

    - How did the exposition of the scriptures used in the sermon provide you with a new perspective of deeper understanding?

    It is good to remember that the conversation experience in the group is shaped by the personal stories of those who participate in it and how willing the people are to be open and vulnerable in the group.

    So if you’re leading the discussion, feel free to model and encourage person-centred and story-centred sharing by reflecting on how some parts of the sermon resonate with you personally.

    Additionally, what contributes to a more authentic group discussion is when people can share not about the abstract and theoretical applications but one or two practical things they are taking away from either the sermon or the discussion.

    So, you can end your time together with this question: 

    - What is one thing you are taking away from either the sermon or the discussion we’ve just had? 

  • Prayer from the sermon:
    God of Grace and of peace
    For all the ways you have challenged us in this series
    To reckon with violence
    To wrestle with the complexity of the text
    To work to ground ourselves—always—in the way of Jesus
    We are grateful
    And we trust that in the working out of our salvation we come to see you more clearly
    May everything that we read
    May all of our conversations
    May the way that spirit works in and through us
    Lead us always back to the way that is Jesus
    To the path that is peace
    To the grace that floods the world and makes possible our movement toward one another
    And then— in all of this might we know that we are loved
    And welcomed home
    And commissioned to bring that kindness into all of our encounters
    For all that need your embrace this morning
    Might we know that your heart is open
    And your arms wide
    And our place secure in you
    In the strong name of the risen Christ, we pray, amen.

  • CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 30

    MUSIC Curated by Curt Muller
    Elevation Worship - Praise
    Brooke Ligertwood - Ancient Gates
    Hillsong Worship - So Will I
    Commons Worship - Faithfully

    Written by Bobbi Salkeld

    It’s challenging to be a country with a diverse identity, so on the eve of Canada Day we take a moment to reflect and to pray for humility. 

    To imagine for just a moment that maybe you and I don’t have all the answers to what shapes the good life for us as Canadians and for all who live here. 

    So whether you’re getting ready to light red and white fireworks on Canada Day or sitting the festivities out, I invite you into a prayer to bless our pluralism. 

    Let us pray. 

    It’s hard to hold the complexity of Canada in one prayer, 

    And still – 

    We take a moment to bless our history. 

    In our history, we have so much to learn. 

    Great creator, 

    Open our hearts to reconciliation,

    Open our hearts to honest reflection about the past of this land,

    Open our hearts to humility.

     It’s hard to hold the diversity of Canada in one prayer, 

    And still – 

    We take a moment to bless our diversity. 

    In our diversity, we have so much to learn. 

    Christ of culture, 

    Open our hearts to curiosity about each other, 

    Open our hearts to people who are neighbours and so often strangers, 

    Open our hearts to those who find shelter here as our friends.

    It’s hard to hold the unknown future of Canada in one prayer, 

    And still – 

    We take a moment to bless our co-creativity. 

    In our creativity, we have so much to learn.

    Spirit of inspiration, 

    Open our hearts to dream new dreams as a country,

    Open our hearts to a vision of peace, 

    Open our hearts to a horizon of care for all of creation. 

    Together we pray.



Inside Out


Here’s Your King