Worship Night

Wednesday, November 10, 2024

  • I truly believe that when we sing together not only are we honoring God but we are lifting up those to our left and right. When we pray like we will tonight, it won’t be just one of us but a collection of our hearts together in conversation with God. And tonight when you are given the bread and the grape… well I can’t think of a more beautiful relational moment between all of us and Creator.

    So know that each of us, together, are welcome in this space.

    And that leads us to this evening's theme. Rest.

    I come back to this theme about once a year for our Worship Nights.
    It’s that yearly check-in on how are we doing with rest?
    Where do we find rest? What do we need to bring to God tonight to receive real rest?

    Tonight, when it comes to rest, this hour we have together may not give you everything you need but what I hope is something much more simple: that we would just have a moment to rest with God here. Right now. Because Jesus is all about the present, isn’t he?

    Listen to these words from the beginning of Psalm 127 from The Message,

    “If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks. If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman might as well nap. It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Because don’t you know God enjoys giving rest to those God loves?”

  • In my household as of late, rest feels like a never ending battle. Five year old Millie and two and a half year old Lea are full of unexpected energy. And while last week's trick or treating was so much fun for all of us as a family, there definitely was a point in the night when it got late, where it was clear that it was time for rest not only for our girls but for Alyssa and I as well. And on average, Alyssa and I’s kids go so hard during the day that they have actually been really great sleepers. But that changed just a little bit for us about two months ago. Lea has been up more at night and just having trouble with sleep. But that’s just really standard for a two year old, isn’t it?

    So lately I have felt tired. So recently I've had some nights where I try to get more sleep than I normally would. And yet even with some of my efforts I still feel… tired.

    And there has been this small voice in the back of my head saying “Kevin maybe this tiredness is from more than just sleep”. And to be honest I didn’t want to face this. Because for me, maybe I am more burnt out than I want to admit. Maybe there are areas of my life that feel so strained, and stretched, and worn out, so out of control that I wouldn’t even know how to express that I need rest in those areas…

    But isn’t that something we all experience at times?

    In a moment I am going to pray. And I am going to leave some moments of pause. And in those moments I am going to bring forward a question or I am going to ask you to pray on our own. And I invite you to engage as little or much as you feel led.

    And so I want to invite you to get comfortable, slow your breathing, and pray with me.

    Jesus we find ourselves in that moment of tough questions… where we know that we need rest. Lord, would you hear our prayers we bring to you now?

    So God we ask ourselves, what space in our life do we feel tired and worn out?

    [moment of pause]

    God, these spaces in our lives where we feel tired and worn out, we hold them now and offer a prayer to you, asking you for rest and guidance towards rest in that specific area…

    [moment of pause]

    God of refreshment, new beginnings, and renewal, would you give us a moment of rest in you? A moment of contentment, where you remind us that we are enough? We rest in you now God.

    [moment of pause]


  • Tonight you are invited to communion with Jesus.

    In the book of Matthew Jesus says “I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

    With a desire to find rest in relationship with God, we come to the Eucharist. 

    The elements are timeless reminders of Jesus’ life in friendship and betrayal, crucifixion and resurrection.

    Here is your invitation.
    You are welcome at the table
    when you are fearful, to be made new in love.
    when you are doubtful, to be made strong in faith.
    when you are regretful, to be made whole.
    This is an open table, and all are invited.

  • As we go from this place now, may you know that you are enough and that the God of rest will give you a new beginning. 

    As a close to our time together, would you join me now in The Lord’s Prayer?

    Our Father, 
    who art in heaven,
    Hallowed be thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come. 
    Thy will be done 
    On earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    As we forgive those 
    who trespass against us. 

    And lead us not into temptation, 
    But deliver us from evil.
    For thine is the kingdom,
    The power and the glory,
    For ever and ever.


  • MUSIC Curated by Kevin Borst
    Joh Baldwin - Stand In Your Love
    Josh Baldwin - Made For More
    Passion - I've Witnessed It
    Hillsong Worship - Hope of the Ages
    Leeland - Way Maker
    Commons Worship - Faithfully
    Brooke Ligertwood - Holy Song
    Maverick City Music - Jireh


Five get in. Five left out.


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