Commons Kids Trivia - Revelation
A unit on the Book of Revelation.
Bible Passage: Revelation
A unit on the Book of Revelation.
Bible Passage: Revelation
Revelation 1:12-20 - John sees a vision in which there are seven golden lampstands, and among them is someone like a son of man, wearing a robe and a golden sash. His hair is white like wool and his eyes are a blazing fire, his feet are like bronze and his voice is like rushing waters. In his right hand he holds seven stars, and from his mouth comes a sharp, double-edged sword. His face is shining like the sun. John falls down at his feet, but he tells him not to be afraid, for he is the first and the last, the one who was dead and is now alive again. The mystery of this vision is that the seven lampstands represent seven churches, and the seven stars represent the seven angels of the those churches.