Lesson plans.
Lesson 5: Hidden treasure and pearl.
Matthew 13:44-46 - Jesus told a parable about the kingdom of heaven being like treasure hidden in a field. A man found it, hid it again, and went and sold everything he owned in order to buy the field. Likewise, Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like a valuable pearl which a merchant found. He then went away, sold everything he had, and bought it.
Lesson 4: The wedding banquet.
Luke 16:19-31 - Jesus tells a parable in which there was a rich man who lived in luxury and a poor man named Lazarus who was covered in sores and begged at the rich man’s gate. Eventually, both men died, and while Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s side to be comforted, the rich man was sent to a place of suffering. Although the rich man begged for relief, Abraham replied that in his lifetime he received good things while Lazarus did not. Now their roles were reversed and there was nothing that could be done about it. The rich man asked for Lazarus to be sent to his family to warn them to change their ways before it’s too late, but Abraham said that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to him either.
Lesson 3: The rich man and Lazarus.
Luke 16:19-31 - Jesus tells a parable in which there was a rich man who lived in luxury and a poor man named Lazarus who was covered in sores and begged at the rich man’s gate. Eventually, both men died, and while Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s side to be comforted, the rich man was sent to a place of suffering. Although the rich man begged for relief, Abraham replied that in his lifetime he received good things while Lazarus did not. Now their roles were reversed and there was nothing that could be done about it. The rich man asked for Lazarus to be sent to his family to warn them to change their ways before it’s too late, but Abraham said that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to him either.
Lesson 2: Good gifts.
Luke 11:5-13 - Jesus tells a parable in which someone knocks on a friend’s door late at night to ask for bread. He says that even though the friend might say no at first, if that person continues to knock and knock, the friend will finally give in and give them bread. Jesus encourages his followers to ask God for things. He compares God to a parent who knows how to give good gifts to their children. All the more will God give good gifts to those who ask.
Lesson 1: Seeds in good soil.
Luke 8:1-15 - Jesus tells a parable in which a farmer scatters seed on different kinds of ground. Some fell along a path, some on rocky ground, some among thorny bushes, and some onto good soil. He then explains that the seed represents the word of God, and the different kinds of ground represent different conditions of the heart. The good soil represents a heart that hears the word and retains it. This is the kind of heart in which God’s word can grow and produce good results.