Lesson 3: The rich man and Lazarus.

Passage: Luke 16:19-31 - Jesus tells a parable in which there was a rich man who lived in luxury and a poor man named Lazarus who was covered in sores and begged at the rich man’s gate. Eventually, both men died, and while Lazarus was carried to Abraham’s side to be comforted, the rich man was sent to a place of suffering. Although the rich man begged for relief, Abraham replied that in his lifetime he received good things while Lazarus did not. Now their roles were reversed and there was nothing that could be done about it. The rich man asked for Lazarus to be sent to his family to warn them to change their ways before it’s too late, but Abraham said that if they would not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen to him either.

Big Idea: Sharing our blessings with others.

For Teachers:

Lesson plan.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Storytime — Activity Leader

    Read: Should I Share My Ice Cream

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today we're going to be learning about another one of Jesus' stories that he shared with his friends to teach them important lessons. Today's story is all about sharing what we have.

    • Have you ever shared something of yours with others? What was it? How did you feel about sharing?

    Let's watch our video to find out more about Jesus' story...

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What happened in the story that Nana Alex shared from when she was a child?

    • How do you think it would feel if someone was hogging all the toys or crafts and weren't sharing with you? Do you think it's fair?

    • Do you think it's easy or hard to share things with others? Why?

    • Why do you think the rich man in Jesus' story didn't want to share what he had with Lazarus who had nothing?

    • What are some ways we can share the good things we have with others who might not have the same things?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the story of Jesus we listened to today and how it teaches us that you love it when we share the things we have with others. We are so thankful for all the good things you have given to us and we pray that you would help us to have generous hearts that love to share what we have with others. We also thank you for the people who have been kind and shared with us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Sharing Plate Craft — Activity Leader

    Each kid will have a paper plate with the words "Your share" written on one half and "My share" on the other. They will colour different cupcake cutouts and can practice sharing cupcakes with their friends.

    If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Hot Potato — Activity Leader

    Kids will sit in a circle and pass the ball around without dropping it. If someone drops it they will sit in the center of the circle. After the end of each round, increase the speed that the ball is tossed around the circle.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today we're continuing our new series all about the stories that Jesus told to his friends and followers to teach them important lessons! Today's story is all about sharing the good things that God has given us.

    Let’s watch our video to find out more about the story…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What happened in Nana Alex's story from when she was a kid?

    • Have you ever been in a situation where someone was hogging everything - maybe toys or craft materials or something else?

    • Do you think it's fair when one person hogs things to themselves and others don't have anything at all?

    • What was happening in the story that Jesus told about the rich man and Lazarus? What did God do to change the situation?

    • Do you think that sharing is an easy thing to do? How does it feel when you share what you have with others?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the story of Jesus we learned today about the rich man and Lazarus. Thank you for what this story teaches us about the importance of sharing the good things that we have with others, because everything we have has been given to us by you. Please help us to have generous hearts that love to share and that don't try to hog all the good things to ourselves. And thank you for the people in our lives that have been generous and have shared with us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Leaf Crowns Craft — Activity Leader

    Kids will help each other out in fitting the paper headbands to their heads and taping/gluing them together. The kids will then glue leaves onto the band to create their crown. Activity pages will also be available.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Pass The Egg Challenge — Activity Leader

    Kids will put the end of a plastic spoon in their mouths, and will have to pass a plastic egg from spoon to spoon without using their hands. If the egg falls, they have to start over!

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today we're continuing our series on Jesus' parables, which were stories that he told to his followers to teach them important lessons about God and life.

    Today's parable is about a rich man and a poor man. Let's watch our to find out more...

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What happened in Nana Alex's story from her childhood?

    • Have you ever been in a situation where someone was hogging things - whether it's toys or craft materials or something else?

    • What was it that was happening in Jesus' parable about the rich man and Lazarus? What happened after the two men died?

    • What do you think this story teaches us about what God is like and how God expects us to live as God's people?

    • What are some blessings that you've been given that you're thankful for? What are some ways that you can be generous with others?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the story of Jesus we learned today about the rich man and Lazarus. Thank you for how it teaches us about your heart for fairness and how you want your people to be generous with the good things we've been given in life, just as you are generous to us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: Fall Crowns Craft — Activity Leader

    Kids will help each other out in fitting the paper headbands to their heads and taping/gluing them together. The kids will then glue leaves onto the band to create their crown. Activity pages will also be available.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

For Parents:

Follow-up questions.

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • What was it that the kids were hogging in Nana Alex's art class? Do you think that was fair? Why or why not?

    • Have you ever shared your things with others or has someone ever shared their things with you? How did that feel?

    • What are some of the good things that you have that you are thankful for?

    • What are some ways that we can show God's love and kindness to others who have less than we do?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • What was happening in the story from Nana Alex's childhood? What did you think about that story?

    • What was happening in Jesus' story about the rich man and Lazarus? Why do you think the rich man didn't want to to share his wealth with Lazarus?

    • Do you think that sharing and being generous is something that's easy to do? Why or why not?

    • Why do you think God wants us to be generous with others and be willing to share the things that we have?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • What did you think about the story of the rich man and Lazarus? What kind of person do you think the rich man was? Why?

    • What do you think this story teaches us about what God is like and how God expects us to treat others?

    • What are some things that you have been blessed with that you're thankful for? What are some ways that you can share your blessings with others?


Lesson 4: The wedding banquet.


Lesson 2: Good gifts.