Lesson 2: Jesus sends out his disciples.
Passage: Luke 10:1-18 - Jesus appointed seventy-two disciples, who he sent out in pairs to go ahead of him to each town and place he visited. They were instructed to bring a greeting of peace to each house they entered and to accept whatever food and drink they were given as their pay. They were to heal the sick and to share the good news that the kingdom of God had come near. When the seventy-two returned to Jesus, they were overjoyed to tell him that even the demons submit to them in Jesus’ name. Jesus responded that they should not rejoice in this but in the fact that their names are written in heaven.
Big Idea: We belong in God’s kingdom.
For Teachers:
Lesson plan.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Shake Your Sillies Out — Activity Leader
Kids can sing and dance along to the video:
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today is our second Sunday learning about the friends of Jesus.
Does anyone remember some of the names of Jesus’ friends in the Bible?
Last Sunday we learned about how sometimes even Jesus’ friends argued and didn’t get along, but Jesus taught them to care for one another and put each other first, instead of always wanting to be the best.
Today we’re going to learn about what kind of mission Jesus gave his friends to do.
Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
What was the mission that Jesus sent his friends to do?
Why do you think Jesus sent them in groups of two?
Why do you think Jesus told them not to pack anything with them on their trip?
When Jesus’ friends came back to him to tell him how their mission went, what was it that they were so excited about?
What did Jesus say was even better than doing miracles?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus’ friends and how they were sent on a mission to share a good message of hope and to heal everyone who was sick. Thank you that we are also friends of Jesus and we can share God’s love with others too. And that the best thing ever is knowing that we are part of God’s family. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Folding House Craft — Activity Leader
There will be house templates available and kids can colour and cut out different furniture/people to glue onto their house. They will also glue a sign over the house that said “Peace to this house.”
If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Storytime — Activity Leader
Read: All Are Welcome Here
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today is our second Sunday learning about the followers of Jesus.
Last Sunday we learned about how sometimes even Jesus’ friends argued and didn’t get along, but Jesus taught them to care for one another and put each other first, instead of always wanting to be the best.
Today we’re going to learn about what kind of mission Jesus gave his friends to do.
Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
What was the mission that Jesus sent his friends to do?
Why do you think Jesus sent them in groups of two?
Why do you think Jesus told them not to pack anything with them on their trip?
When Jesus’ friends came back to him to tell him how their mission went, what was it that they were so excited about?
What did Jesus say was even better than doing miracles?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus’ friends and how they were sent on a mission to share a good message of hope and to heal everyone who was sick. Thank you that as followers of Jesus we also have a mission to share God’s love and hope with others too. And that the best thing is knowing that we belong and have a place in your kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Folding House Craft — Activity Leader
There will be house templates available and kids can colour and cut out different furniture/people to glue onto their house. They will also glue a sign over the house that said “Peace to this house.”
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Build a Shake — Activity Leader
Students have 2-4 minutes to pair up and create a handshake with their partner (extra students can pair up with the leader). After the 2 minutes, show off your handshake to the group. If you want, pair up with someone new and try to create a new handshake!
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
It’s now week 2 of our series on the disciples/followers of Jesus.
Can anyone remember the names of some of Jesus’ disciples?
What was it that they were arguing about in last week’s story?
What was Jesus’ response to their argument?
Today we’re going to be learning about a time when Jesus sent his followers out on an important mission.
Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
What was the mission that Jesus sent his followers on?
Why do you think Jesus sent them out in pairs of two?
Why do you think he told them not to bring anything with them on their journey? How did God take care of their needs?
After they finished their mission and reported back to Jesus, what was it that they were so excited to tell him?
What did Jesus say was even better than doing miracles?
What are some ways that we, as Jesus’ followers, can also do what the disciples did and share God’s hope with others?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus’ disciples and how Jesus sent them out on a mission to share God’s message of hope and to heal the sick. Thank you that as Jesus’ followers we know that we are also called to do the same, and to share your love and hope with others. And please help us remember that out of all the amazing things we do in this life, the best things is simply knowing that we belong and are part of your family. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Folding House Craft — Activity Leader
There will be house templates provided which the kids can put together. They can also colour and cut out different furniture/people to glue onto their house. Finally, they will glue a sign over the house that says, “Peace to this house”.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
For Parents:
Follow-up questions.
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the big mission that Jesus sent his friends to do?
Why do you think Jesus told them not to bring anything with them on their mission?
How can we be like the friends of Jesus and share God’s hope and love with others?
What did Jesus tells his friends was even better than making miracles and doing cool things?
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the important mission that Jesus sent his friends on?
Why do you think Jesus told them not to pack anything for their journey? How did God take care of their needs?
What are some ways that we, as followers of Jesus, can also share God’s message of hope and love with others?
What was it that Jesus say was even better than doing miracles and other cool things?
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the mission that Jesus sent his disciples out on?
What were some of his instructions for them? Why do you think he told them to do these things (ie. going in pairs, giving their peace, not bringing anything with them)?
When the disciples reported back to Jesus, what was it that they were so excited to tell him?
What was Jesus’ response to that? What did he say was even better than doing miracles?