Lesson 3: Jesus makes friends with Zacchaeus.

Passage: Luke 19:1-10 - When Jesus passed through Jericho, there was a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus who wanted to see him, but he couldn’t see over the crowd. So he ran ahead and climbed up a tree in the direction that Jesus was going. When Jesus reached the spot where Zacchaeus was, he looked up and called him to come down because he wanted to visit him in his house. The people who saw this muttered that Jesus was going to be the guest of a sinner. Then Zacchaeus spoke up and promised that he would give half of what he owned to the poor and that if he ever cheated anyone, he would give them back four times the amount. Then Jesus called Zacchaeus a Son of Abraham.

Big Idea: Jesus is a friend to all.

For Teachers:

Lesson plan.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Pin Zacchaeus in the Tree — Activity Leader

    This will be played like “Pin the tail on the donkey” where the kids will take turns being blindfolded and will try to pin an image of Zacchaeus on a tree.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today is our third Sunday learning about the friends of Jesus. And last week we learned about some of the missions that Jesus sent his friends on.

    • Can anyone remember what Jesus sent his friends to do when they went to the towns? (share the good news about God and help the sick)

    Well today we’re going to be learning about someone who Jesus became friends with that other people didn’t like very much.

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What was the name of the man in the story who wanted to meet Jesus?

    • Why did people not like Zacchaeus very much? What kind of things did tax collectors do?

    • What did Jesus say to Zacchaeus when he saw him in the tree? What did the other people think about that?

    • In the end, what did Zacchaeus say that he will do after meeting Jesus?

    • What kind of friend do you think Jesus was? How can we follow his example and be a good friend to others?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus meeting a man named Zacchaeus who nobody liked. Thank you that Jesus teaches us to be kind to everyone, especially those who are feeling left out or lonely. And if we ever feel lonely we can remember that Jesus is a friend who cares about us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: “Zacchaeus in a Tree” Craft — Activity Leader

    Young kids will decorate an illustration of Zacchaeus in the tree.

    If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Find Zacchaeus in the Tree — Activity Leader

    Cut paper leaves will be arranged on the floor. Kids will take turns walking up and flipping the leaves over, trying to find Zacchaeus. The finder is the winner and the game can be repeated again.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    Today is our third Sunday learning about the friends of Jesus. And last week we learned about some of the missions that Jesus sent his friends on.

    • Can anyone remember what Jesus sent his friends to do when they went to the towns? (share the good news about God and help the sick)

    Well today we’re going to be learning about someone who Jesus became friends with that other people didn’t like very much.

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What was the name of the man in the story who wanted to meet Jesus?

    • Why did people not like Zacchaeus very much? What kind of things did tax collectors do?

    • What did Jesus say to Zacchaeus when he saw him in the tree? What did the other people think about that?

    • In the end, what did Zacchaeus say that he will do after meeting Jesus?

    • Why do you think Jesus was willing to be friends with people who were unpopular? What do you think we can learn from his example?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus meeting a man named Zacchaeus who nobody liked. Thank you that Jesus teaches us to be kind to everyone, especially those who are feeling left out or lonely. We never know how our kindness can make a difference in other people’s lives. And if we ever feel lonely we can remember that Jesus is a friend who cares about us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: “Zacchaeus in a Tree” Craft — Activity Leader

    Young kids will put together and decorate an illustration of Zacchaeus in the tree.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

  • Welcome — Activity Leader

    Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.

    Warm Up Activity: Find Zacchaeus — Activity Leader

    Everyone closes their eyes and puts their heads down while the leader hides a picture of Zacchaeus. Once hidden, the kids can go around searching for it. Kids can also take turns hiding Zacchaeus.

    Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    It’s now week 3 of our series on the followers of Jesus. Last week we learned about some of the missions that Jesus sent his followers on.

    • Can anyone remember what kinds of things Jesus’ followers did when they went from town to town?

    Today we’re going to be learning about a time when Jesus befriended someone who was seen as outsider, someone who was not liked by others.

    Let’s watch our video to find out more…

    Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader

    Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader

    • What was the job that Zacchaeus did? Why did that make him unpopular?

    • Why do you think Zacchaeus was so desperate to see Jesus that he even climbed up a tree?

    • How did Jesus react when he saw Zacchaeus in the tree? What did he say to him?

    • Why do you think the others who heard this were so mad that Jesus was hanging out with Zacchaeus?

    • At the end of the story, what was it that Zacchaeus promised to do in front of everyone? Why do you think he did that?

    • What do you think this story teaches us about what kind of friend Jesus is? And how can we follow his example?

    Prayer — Bible Story Leader

    "Dear God, thank you for the lesson we learned today about Jesus and Zacchaeus, and how Jesus was friends with everyone, including those who were unpopular or disliked by others. Thank you for the lesson this teaches us about being kind and welcoming to all, especially those who are feeling left out and lonely. And if we are ever the ones in that spot, help us to remember that Jesus is a friend who accepts us and is there for us when nobody else is. In Jesus' name, Amen."

    Activity: “Zacchaeus in a Tree” Craft— Activity Leader

    Kids will put together and decorate an illustration of Zacchaeus in the tree.

    Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.

For Parents:

Follow-up questions.

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • What was the name of the person who really wanted to see Jesus in the story?

    • What did Zacchaeus have to do to see Jesus over the crowd?

    • Why did other people not like Zacchaeus very much? How did Jesus treat him?

    • What are some ways that we can follow Jesus’ example when we see someone feeling left out or lonely?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • Who was the person that really wanted to see Jesus? What did he do the be able to see him over the crowd?

    • What was Zacchaeus’ job? Why did that make people dislike him so much?

    • How did Jesus treat Zacchaeus? How did others react to that?

    • Do you think Jesus’ kindness to Zacchaeus made a big difference in his life? How so?

    • What was the story you learned about in class today?

    • Why was Zacchaeus was so disliked by others in the story?

    • What did Zacchaeus do to be able to see Jesus? Why do you think he wanted to see Jesus so badly?

    • What did Jesus do when he saw Zacchaeus in the tree? How did others around them respond?

    • How did Jesus’ act of kindness towards Zacchaeus change his life? Do you think acts of kindness like this can make a big difference? How so?


Lesson 4: Mary’s gift of perfume.


Lesson 2: Jesus sends out his disciples.