Lesson 5: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit.
Passage: John 14:12-26 - In the days leading up to the end of Jesus’ life on earth, he speaks with his disciples, giving them instructions and comforting them. He tells them that they will go on to do even greater works than the ones he’s done, that they can ask the Father for anything in his name, and that they are to keep his commands out of love. He also promises to send them an Advocate to help them and be with them forever, the Holy Spirit. He is not truly leaving them, but will continue to be with them through the Spirit, who will teach them all things and will remind them of the things that Jesus had taught them.
Big Idea: The Holy Spirit is always with us.
For Teachers:
Lesson plan.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Action Songs — Activity Leader
God Is So Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=FMvpQ06anYc
Jesus Loves Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7XH2OgOTk
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today is our last week learning about some of the stories from the Bible about the friends of Jesus. Last Sunday we learned about his friend Mary who poured her very expensive perfume on his feet, and we learned about giving God our very best just like Mary did.
Today we’re going to hear one more story about Jesus’ friends. Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Who did Jesus say he would send to help his friends after he went to heaven?
Have you ever felt lonely or scared? What helped you feel better?
What are some ways we can remember that God’s Spirit is with us? (examples: praying, singing, talking to someone you trust…)
How can we be helpers to others like the Holy Spirit helps us?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for reminding us that you love us and are always with us. Even when we feel alone, we know that your Spirit is here to help us. Please help us to feel your love and share it with others. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Collaborative Mural — Activity Leader
There will be large stretches of paper and different art material placed onto each table. Have the kids work together to create a mural. Teachers can use verbal prompts (ie. What do you think God’s Spirit looks like? Can you draw what love feels like? Draw a picture of what a hug looks like...). The mural paper can be left up between services for the kids to build upon.
If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Action Songs — Activity Leader
God Is So Good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=FMvpQ06anYc
Jesus Loves Me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xV7XH2OgOTk
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today is our last week learning about some of the stories from the Bible about the followers of Jesus. Last Sunday we learned about his follower Mary who poured her very expensive perfume on his feet, and from this story we learned about giving God our very best just like Mary did.
Today we’re going to hear one more story about Jesus’ followers. Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Why do you think Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his followers? What is the Holy Spirit’s job?
How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus told them he was leaving? How would you feel if someone you loved had to leave for a long time?
What are some ways we can know that God’s Spirit is with us today? (ie. we can pray, hear Bible stories, see kindness in others, etc.)
How can we be like the Holy Spirit and help others who feel lonely?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to be our helper and friend. When we are feeling lonely or afraid, please remind us that you are always with us. Help us to listen to your Spirit and show God’s love to others. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Collaborative Mural — Activity Leader
There will be large stretches of paper and different art material placed onto each table. Have the kids work together to create a mural. Teachers can use verbal prompts (ie. What do you think God’s Spirit looks like? Can you draw what love feels like? Draw a picture of what a hug looks like...). The mural paper can be left up between services for the kids to build upon.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class.
Warm Up Activity: Play Dough Pictionary — Activity Leader
Kids take turns picking prompts from a bowl and try to create that prompt with play dough, while other kids guess what they’re making.
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
It’s now the last week of our series on the followers of Jesus. Last Sunday we learned about Jesus’ a time when Jesus visited his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in their home for dinner.
Can anyone remember what the surprising thing was that Mary did at the dinner?
What was the big lesson that we learned from that story?
Today we’re going to be hearing one more story about the followers of Jesus. Let’s watch our video to find out more…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
In this story, Jesus called the Holy Spirit a “Helper”. What do you think are some ways the Holy Spirit helps us?
Why do you think Jesus wanted his disciples to know they wouldn’t be left alone?
How can we tell when the Holy Spirit is working in our lives?
What are some ways we can be like the Holy Spirit in other people’s lives?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
"Dear God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us. When we feel alone or unsure, help us remember that you are always with us. Please give us wisdom to listen to your Spirit and the courage to follow your ways. May we also be helpers and encouragers to others, like you are to us. In Jesus' name, Amen."
Activity: Collaborative Mural — Activity Leader
There will be large stretches of paper and different art material placed onto each table. Have the kids work together to create a mural. Teachers can use verbal prompts (ie. What do you think God’s Spirit looks like? Can you draw what love feels like? Draw a picture of what a hug looks like...). The mural paper can be left up between services for the kids to build upon.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
For Parents:
Follow-up questions.
What was the story you learned about in class today?
Can you think of a time when you felt God’s Spirit helping you?
Why do you think Jesus wanted his friends to know they wouldn’t be alone?
How can we remind each other that God’s Spirit is always with us?
Who is someone you know that might need to be reminded that they’re not alone? How can we help them feel God’s love?
What was the story you learned about in class today?
Can you think of a time when you felt God’s Spirit helping or comforting you?
Why is it important to know that God’s Spirit is always with us?
What are some ways we can listen to the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives? (ie. prayer, reading the Bible, listening to our conscience, looking for ways to be kind....)
How can our family help remind each other that God is with us? (ie. praying together, sharing gratitude, encouraging one another…)
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What are some things that the Holy Spirit does in our lives?
How does knowing that God’s Spirit is always with us change the way you feel about difficult situations?
Can you think of a time when you felt God’s Spirit helping you make a good choice? What happened?
What are some ways that we can be more aware of the Holy Spirit in our lives each day?