Lesson plans.

Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 5: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit.

John 14:12-26 - In the days leading up to the end of Jesus’ life on earth, he speaks with his disciples, giving them instructions and comforting them. He tells them that they will go on to do even greater works than the ones he’s done, that they can ask the Father for anything in his name, and that they are to keep his commands out of love. He also promises to send them an Advocate to help them and be with them forever, the Holy Spirit. He is not truly leaving them, but will continue to be with them through the Spirit, who will teach them all things and will remind them of the things that Jesus had taught them.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: Mary’s gift of perfume.

John 12:1-8 - Six days before Passover, Jesus visited his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in their home for dinner. While Martha served the food and Lazarus was relaxing at the table with Jesus, Mary took her very expensive perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet, wiping them with her hair, and the whole house smelled like perfume. Judas spoke up and asked why the expensive perfume wasn’t sold and the money given to the poor instead. But Jesus told Judas to leave her alone because she had anointed him in preparation for his death and burial. He said that while they would always have the poor among them, they would not always have him.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 1: John’s story.

John 1:1-11 - John testifies that Jesus is the Word of God, who was with God in the beginning, and who is, in fact, God. Through Jesus, the Word, everything was created. Jesus is also the life and light of humankind.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: The empty tomb.

John 20:10-18 - On the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb in which he was buried and was crying. She looked into the tomb and saw that Jesus was gone, and two angels were sitting where his body had been. They asked her why she was crying, and she said that it’s because Jesus’ body had been taken away and she didn’t know where it had gone. Just then, she turned and saw Jesus, but she didn’t know who he was. Thinking that he was the gardener, she asked him where Jesus’ body had been taken. When Jesus said her name, she recognized him and excitedly cried out “Rabboni!" meaning “teacher.” She rushed to tell the other disciples the good news that Jesus had risen.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 5: The vine and the branches.

John 15:1-18 - Jesus uses the illustration of a vine and branches to describe our relationship with him. He says that he is the vine, we are the branches, and his Father is the gardener. When we stay connected to him we can bear fruit, just as a branch must stay connected to the vine as its life source so that it can bear fruit. He goes on to say that we remain in his love by keeping his commands, that is, to love one another as he has loved us. In doing so, we have great joy and Jesus calls us his friends.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: Jesus comforts his friends.

John 11:17-27 - Mary and Martha’s brother Lazarus had passed away and had been in the tomb for four days by the time Jesus arrived to visit them. Martha came out to meet Jesus, but her sister Mary stayed inside. In her grief, Martha told Jesus that if he had been there, their brother wouldn’t have died, but that she believes that even now Jesus could save him. Jesus responded that Lazarus would rise again, and Martha thought that he was talking about the resurrection at the last day. Jesus replied that he is the resurrection and the life, and Martha professed her faith in him as the Messiah and Son of God.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 3: Jesus is our good shepherd.

John 10:11-21 - Jesus taught his followers that he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. The shepherd protects the sheep from the attacks of predators, rather than running away to protect his own life. He spoke about having a close and loving relationship with the sheep, as well as having sheep from different sheep pens that will one day join to become one flock under one shepherd. Jesus also alluded to the fact that he would sacrifice his life of his own accord and return to life again. There was division among those who heard his words, with some calling him demon-possessed and others pointing to his miracles as proof that he is from God.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 2: The mystery of the official’s son.

John 4:46-54 - Once when Jesus was visiting Cana in Galilee, there was a royal official who’s son was very sick. He heard that Jesus was in town and went to him to beg him to heal his son. Jesus simply said, “Go, your son will be healed.” The man took Jesus at his word and left. While he was still on his way, his servants met him and told him the news that his son was healed. When he asked about what time his son was healed, he learned that it was at the exact time that Jesus said, “your son will be healed.” So he and his whole household believed.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 3: Philip and Nathaniel.

John 1:43-51 - When Jesus went to Galilee, he found Philip and called him to follow him. Philip went and told his friend Nathaniel that he had found the Messiah written about in the Scriptures, Jesus of Nazareth. Nathaniel was surprised to hear that anything good could come from Nazareth, a small and unimportant town. When Nathaniel came to meet Jesus, Jesus spoke as if he already knew Nathaniel, saying "Here is an Israelite in whom there is no deceit." When Jesus told Nathaniel that he saw him sitting under a fig tree earlier, Nathaniel believed that Jesus really was the Messiah and Son of God, but Jesus told them that that they would see even greater things than that. 

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 5: The empty tomb.

John 20:1-18 - Early in the morning, on the Sunday after Jesus’ death, Mary Magdalene came to visit his tomb but found that it was empty. She thought that someone must have stolen Jesus’ body and so she went to Peter and another one of the disciples to tell them what had happened. They ran to the tomb to see for themselves and found it empty as Mary had said and left. Mary was standing by the tomb weeping when she saw two angels who asked her why she was crying, and she told them that Jesus’ body had been taken away. She then saw a man who she thought was the gardener, and asked him if he saw where they had taken Jesus. When the man said her name, she realized that it was Jesus and that he had risen from the dead, so she ran to tell the rest of the disciples the news.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 4: Jesus carries his cross.

John 19:17-24 - After Jesus’ arrest and questioning, he is sentenced to death on the cross. He carries his own cross on which Pilate had fastened a sign that said “The King of the Jews.” Some objected to this sign, saying that it should instead say “This man claimed to be king of the Jews.” After Jesus was crucified, the soldiers divided his clothes amongst themselves, which was in fulfillment of a prophesy from the Scriptures.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 3: Jesus stands before Pilate.

John 18:28-40 - Jesus is arrested and brought to the palace of the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. He is questioned by Pilate about whether or not he is the King of the Jews. Jesus claims that his kingdom is not of this world, but comes from another place. Pilate does not believe that Jesus is guilty of any wrongdoing, and asks the people if they would like him to be pardoned, but they refuse, and ask to have a criminal named Barabbas pardoned instead.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 2: Light of the world.

John 8:12 - Jesus teaches his followers that he is the light of the world, and that anyone who follows him will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 6: Jesus heals a man born blind.

John 9:1-12 - In this story, Jesus saw a man who was born blind. His disciples assumed that the blindness was caused by sin, and asked Jesus who it was that sinned, the man or his parents. Jesus told them that their assumption was wrong, but that this particular man’s blindness happened so that God could show God’s power and goodness through him. Then Jesus healed him by putting mud on his eyes and telling him to wash it off in a certain pool. When his neighbors saw that he was healed, they were surprised, and he proclaimed to them that it was Jesus who had healed him.

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Jeremy Duncan Jeremy Duncan

Lesson 1: Water into wine.

John 2:1-11 - Jesus’ very first miracle, as recorded by the Gospel of John, was changing water into wine at a wedding he attended in Cana. Jesus was reluctant to perform this miracle at first, as he did not want to draw the wrong kind of attention to himself this early into his public ministry. However, upon his mother’s request, he did perform this miracle, though he did so in a secretive way so that only his disciples knew what had happened, and as a result, put their faith in him. This miracle reveals that Jesus has power over the created world, and hints at his divine sonship.

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