Lesson 5: The mystery of the woman with a bleeding disease.
Passage: Luke 8:43-48 - Once there was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and no doctors could heal her. She saw Jesus in a crowd and reached out to touch the hem of his cloak and she was immediately healed. Jesus asked who touched him, because although there were crowds of people pressing into him, he felt that power had gone out from him. The woman was scared but she stepped forward and admitted that it was her and explained why she had done it and that she had been healed. Jesus responded to her by saying, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”
Big Idea: Faith in Jesus makes us brave.
For Teachers:
Lesson plan.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit in a circle on the circle time rug. Welcome them to class and introduce yourselves.
Warm Up Activity: Hula Hoop Around the World — Activity Leader
Have the children circle up and hold the hand of the person next to them (you can do a couple of circles or one large circle depending on what works best for your class size).
Put a hula hoop on one pair of hands, and the children will have to duck under and step over the hula hoop to move it around the circle without unclasping their hands.
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today we’re learning about another one of Jesus’ miracles and trying to solve the mystery of what the miracle might mean for us.
Does anyone remember any of the miracles we’ve learned about so far?
Today we’ll learn about a woman who had a problem where she was bleeding so much and it wouldn’t stop, for years and years, until she met Jesus.
Let’s watch our video to find out more about the story…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Has anyone ever gotten a cut or scratch before? What happens when we get a cut or scratch?
And how long does it take to stop bleeding and for the cut or scratch to heal?
For the woman in the story, how long did her bleeding last for?
Does anyone remember what she did when she saw Jesus in a crowd?
What do you Jesus meant when he said that her faith healed her?
Do you think having faith in God makes us more brave? What are some brave things you can do when you trust God?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
“Dear God, thank you for the story of the woman with such strong faith that made her brave enough to reach out to Jesus and be healed. Thank you that we know you love us and are always with us. Please help us to trust in you and do brave things, just like the woman in the story did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Activity: Fall Tree Q-Tip Painting — Activity Leader
There will be various tree templates available, which kids can decorate using q-tips and paint.
If a child is not interested in the activity, allow them to move to free play.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Have the children sit near the TV. Welcome them to class and introduce yourselves.
Warm Up Activity: Hula Hoop Around the World — Activity Leader
Have the children circle up and hold the hand of the person next to them (you can do a couple of circles or one large circle depending on what works best for your class size).
Put a hula hoop on one pair of hands, and the children will have to duck under and step over the hula hoop to move it around the circle without unclasping their hands.
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today we’re learning about another one of Jesus’ miracles and finding out the mystery of what the miracle might mean for us, and what we can learn from it.
Does anyone remember any of the other miracles we’ve learned about?
Today’s story is about a woman who had a problem because she had a bleeding disease that meant that she had been bleeding for a really long time and it wouldn’t stop.
Has anyone ever had a cut or scratch before? What do you do when you get hurt and are bleeding? How long does it usually take to heal?
Well for this woman, her bleeding actually lasted for twelve whole years. That’s super long.
Let’s watch our video to find out more about the story…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Does anyone remember what the woman in the story did when she saw Jesus in a big crowd of people?
Do you think that was a bit scary for her to do? Why or why not?
What was Jesus’ response when he found out why she did it? What do you think it means that her faith healed her?
Do you think having faith in God makes us more brave? What are some brave things you can do when you trust God?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
“Dear God, thank you for the story of the woman with such strong faith that made her brave enough to reach out to Jesus and be healed. Thank you that we know you love us and are always with us. Please help us to trust in you and do brave things, just like the woman in the story did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Activity: Fall Tree Q-Tip Painting — Activity Leader
There will be various tree templates available, which kids can decorate using q-tips and paint.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
Welcome — Activity Leader
Welcome the kids to class and introduce yourselves.
Warm Up Activity: Hula Hoop Around the World — Activity Leader
Have the children circle up and hold the hand of the person next to them (you can do a couple of circles or one large circle depending on what works best for your class size).
Put a hula hoop on one pair of hands, and the children will have to duck under and step over the hula hoop to move it around the circle without unclasping their hands.
Preliminary Discussion — Bible Story Leader
Today is week 5 of our series on Jesus’ miracles, where we’ve been trying to answer the question of what the miracles might mean for us and what we can learn from them.
Today’s story is all about a woman who had been suffering from a disease which caused her to be bleeding for 12 years. That's a really long time!
Let’s watch the video to find out more about the story…
Video Lesson — Bible Story Leader
Follow Up Discussion — Bible Story Leader
What did the woman in the story do when she saw Jesus in a crowd of people? What was Jesus’ reaction at first?
How do you think the woman felt when she had to admit that it was her? Do you think it was a pretty brave thing for her to do?
What did Jesus say when she told him the reason she touched him? What did you think Jesus meant by that?
Do you think trusting God can give us courage to do brave things? What are some brave things we can do through faith?
Prayer — Bible Story Leader
“Dear God, thank you for the story of the woman with such strong faith that made her bold enough to reach out to Jesus and be healed. Please help us to see her faith and courage as an example for us to live by as well. Help us to see the opportunities we have to step out in faith boldly, knowing that you are with us and we can trust you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Activity: Fall Tree Q-Tip Painting — Activity Leader
There will be various tree templates available, which kids can decorate using q-tips and paint.
Dismissal: Collect tags and make sure each child leaves with their caregiver.
For Parents:
Follow-up questions.
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the problem that the woman had? What did she do when she saw Jesus in a crowd?
How did Jesus react and what did he say to her when he found out why she did it?
Do you think it was very brave for the woman to reach out and touch Jesus’ cloak? What do you think made her so brave?
What are some brave things we can do when we trust in Jesus?
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the problem that the woman had? What did she do when she saw Jesus in a crowd?
What did Jesus say to the woman when he found out why she did it? What do you think he meant by that?
Do you think it took a lot of faith and bravery for the woman to reach out to Jesus and touch his cloak? Why do you think she had the guts to do it?
What are some brave things that we can do when he trust in Jesus?
What was the story you learned about in class today?
What was the problem that the woman had? What did she do when she saw Jesus in a crowd?
What were Jesus’ words to her when he found out why she had touched his cloak? What do you think he meant by that?
Do you think it took a lot of guts for the woman to reach out to Jesus like that? What do you think gave her the courage to do it?
What are some bold and gutsy things we can do through faith in Jesus?