Sunday Liturgy

Written by Bobbi Salkeld

After the resurrection, stories circulated about all the places the living Jesus surprised his disoriented friends. 

Two friends were walking down a road outside of Jerusalem trying to make sense of the strange events, and the resurrected Jesus came to them and walked with them. 

A big group of friends got together in Jerusalem to puzzle out what the appearances meant, and the resurrected Jesus found them and stood among them. 

And still more friends gathered on a mountain – some with faith, and others with doubt – and the resurrected Jesus came to them. 

As we take a moment to reflect on the movement of the living God through the 50-day season of Eastertide, ask yourself, “Where am I?” Of course, you’re where you are standing right now. But let’s go further and acknowledge the stage of life you are in, the state of your inner world, or a place that feels like home for you. 

Hold onto that place where you are as we consider how the resurrected Jesus comes to us. Let us pray.  

We breathe in and out to stay present. 
Wherever you are, Jesus comes to you … 
In the drab greys and browns of the season, 
In the listlessness of everyday responsibilities, 
In the loneliness of what it means to be human. 

Wherever you are, Jesus comes to you … 
In the waking up when things don’t go your way,
In the forced rest of your body telling you to slow down,
In the question you don’t know the answer to yet. 

Wherever we are, Jesus, you come to us. 
In goodness, truth, and beauty. 
In love, friendship, and care.
In comfort, wisdom, and curiosity. 
For your creative presence we say thank you and amen.



Sunday Liturgy


Easter Sunday 2023