Sunday Liturgy

Romans 5

Curated by Kevin Borst
I Believe by Bethel Music
Back to Life by Bethel Music
Faithfully by Commons Creative
Goodness of God by Bethel Music


Gracious God, of steadfast love,
We give you thanks for your unending presence in the lives of our students.
Your still and steady spirit guiding each blossoming mind,
As they navigate new friendships, identity crises, school and home and life balance.
Through these years defined by so much uncertainty and loss,
We give thanks for their hard-earned resiliency
And we lament the ways we’ve equated productivity with worth,
Or elevated good grades over a healthy & happy heart.
Gracious God, of steadfast love,
May you continue gently holding and molding our dearest students.

Loving God of new beginnings,
In a confusing world, littered with loss but glittering with hope,
Remind our students that you are with them now too,
That whatever this next stage of life holds for them,
We pray they’d know their belovedness does not rest solely in their accomplishments.
Inspire them to continue seeking the goodness of life.
Lord, will you embolden this generation to continue
Bringing their imagination, creativity and passions to the world around them.

Faithful God,
We thank you for the teachers that helped our students make sense of
an often incomprehensible world,
The individuals who helped our students walk confidently across this finish line,
When, perhaps, all they could think to do was crawl.

Lord who grieves with us,
We lament for a world that steals a child’s chance to celebrate graduation,
We lament for students who are not afforded the luxury of safe school buildings
and accessible education.

Lord of all,
We lift up these students,
In all of their unique abilities, and relentless curiosity, and refreshing energy,
May they continue to be met with your loving-kindness,
May they never fail to remember just how loved they are by you,
And may we continue to build a world around them
That strives for their total flourishing.
In your name we pray,


Sunday Liturgy


Sunday Liturgy