Sunday, July 25, 2021

Written by Bobbi Salkeld

Sometimes, in prayer, we call to mind something about God so we can notice that thing around us. 

We say –  
God, you are love ... so we can notice love in our family. 
God, you give grace … so we can notice grace when we come to the end of our rope. 
God, you heal … so we can notice how deep wounds are healing slowly but surely. 

Today, we join our hearts in prayer for your community. We call to mind the work of God for the people you know and love. As we pray, may you notice how God is at work in the lives of those you pray for. 

Please join me in prayer. 

We call to mind people we are close to, people we care about, people we worry over – 
For the children in our lives who faced so much change this last year,
For the loved one whose mental health is fragile, 
For the friend who wants to make a big change but is struggling with next steps. 
Creator, you are the source of renewal, 
blessing lives with resiliency and peace. 

We call to mind the people in our streets, people who struggle to get by, people who are vulnerable because others see them as a threat – 
For Muslim neighbours and friends who worry about their safety, 
For those coming to terms with who they are after being told they couldn’t be their authentic selves, 
For the folks who serve us meals, bandage our wounds, ensure the safety and security of our city. 
Jesus, you are companion and friend,
blessing human struggle with resolute solidarity. 

We call to mind people we love who live far away, people in places that are vulnerable to disease, people who seek safety in chaos – 
For family and friends separated by closed borders and states of emergency,
For folks whose homes have been lost or threatened by forest fires and floods, 
For the perspective to see ourselves as a part of the created world.
Great Spirit, you are teacher,
blessing spaces between us with compassion. 


Sunday, August 1, 2021


Sunday, July 18, 2021