Quiet Turning Points

Kevin Borst

Life is full of quiet turning points. Tiny choices that unknowingly lead us toward something unexpected.* There have been a few of these moments that stand out for me in my life.

In grade 9, some friends and I joined our school’s chapel band. The class was offered at the Christian school I went to. We figured we could sing, and this would mostly be a free period for my friends and me to goof off.

And while it did start as that – us doing our own thing during this school period – for me it quickly turned into something more. At the time, I didn’t understand it like this, but this class built in me a foundation around worship leadership. This quiet turning point shaped me into the person I am today and made me love being part of a team. 

Since then, I have been more attentive to these experiences for volunteer teams here at Commons. I see someone saying “yes” to being part of a team thinking that they will offer a bit of their time to Commons, but they find something much more meaningful. Friendships are formed, gifts and skills are used in meaningful ways, and there’s a sense of Commons being a place of belonging for them.

In the past, we as a staff team saw volunteering as a step you take after you have been around Commons for a while. Recently, our thinking shifted. We’ve noticed people signing up to join a team earlier in their story at Commons as a part of making this place their own. So we’ve leaned into this. We now see volunteering as an earlier step for people, even when they feel new to the community.

This leads me to wonder: How have you seen these quiet turning points in your life? And, whether you are new or have been around Commons for a while, what unexpected experiences could you have if you were part of a Commons team? 

* Check out the Epiphany Blessing: Move Toward Wonder in the New Year. It maps beautifully onto Kevin's reflection. (In the dropdown "Service Songs and Prayers.)

Check out Volunteer Teams here.

Some needs include Connection Team (noon and Sevenpm), Group Leaders for 30plus, and Production (screens and cameras). 


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