How to Offer What You Have to Give

Meaningful Volunteering
At the last Commons Team Night, volunteers gathered to consider the "what" and "why" of service. Here are some reflections that apply to volunteering at Commons, but stretch farther than our setting to shape generosity in the world. 


Part I: Jesus as a Model for Serving – Jeremy 

In the story of Jesus feeding 5000, Jesus lives with limitations. Limitations are essential for our ability to be healthy, present, and serve long-term. So, resting well is a part of a life of service. In this story, Jesus sends his disciples out with what they have in their hands. They get to walk through the crowd, see the faces, shake hands and hand out whatever food there is to share. For Jesus, service – helping, caring, sharing – is never solo work. Even the miracle of feeding starts with the very practical resources sitting in the hands of Jesus’ friends. So maybe the story isn’t about miracle bread but how divine generosity can inspire imitation.

Part II: Social Science of Volunteering – Scott 

When thinking about volunteerism from a social perspective, volunteering makes the world as it should be. Organizations start as an idea, and ideas become institutions, and these institutions shape our lives. The problem is that rates of volunteerism are falling dramatically, which impacts social cohesion (when people feel connected to others). In a world that seems to inspire more cynicism than hope, volunteerism is an antidote to our collective loneliness and discouragement. The simple truth is that volunteering is good for your mental health, mobility as you age, self-esteem, and satisfaction, and results in higher happiness scores. 

Part III: Community Building by Getting and Staying Involved – Bobbi

The people who volunteer at Commons make it a trustworthy place. When volunteers show up on time for their role, prepare ahead for their group or kids' lesson, work on their barista skills, practice the songs before Sunday, stay alert when they're mixing sound, get to know the new teenager, listen to someone's complex story after the service before you pray for them, and stand by the door to say hello – they hold in their hands the work of trust. Trust is more precious than ever. Theologically speaking, the church does not exist for itself but for the world. See your work at Commons as one of community building so that the world we make in here overflows to impact the world out there. 

* Check out the prayer Confession: We are Sorry for the World We Make as a companion to this reflection (In the dropdown "Service Songs and Prayers.)

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