Sermon archive.

Scott Wall Kevin Borst Scott Wall Kevin Borst

Here’s Your King

In this exploration of 1 Samuel 9-12, we delve into the intriguing story of Saul's ascension to kingship and Samuel's complex reaction. We're reminded of our human tendency to judge by appearances, as Saul is initially described as tall and handsome. Yet, the narrative subtly warns us against such superficial assessments.

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Scott Wall Kevin Borst Scott Wall Kevin Borst

Joy in Song

This week, we discuss joy as a shared communal practice. We examine what informs the theology of the Psalms (using Psalm 33:1-5 as our pimary text) and how the Psalms, in their intent and art form, can instruct us in our search for and practice of joy.

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Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan

Good Friday

Here we ask our whys, and remember that God spared nothing to make all things new. That Jesus gave himself over to death to lead us into life. That in his final words Jesus revealed how God knows the language of our doubt and fear. Showing us the road to resurrection, dark as it may be. And we that we don’t have to walk it alone.

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Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan

Picking Up New Habits

This week we wrap up the Picking Up and Letting Go series by looking at another Epiphany text and reflecting on ways that picking up looked like for Jesus and what we can pick up in the new year.

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Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan Scott Wall Jeremy Duncan

Mark, an Introduction

This week, we begin our new series on the gospel of Mark. In his message on Sunday, Scott invited us to see how the synoptic gospels help us to “see together” without demanding that we all see the same. Scott talked about how Mark frames his gospel as a new beginning, how the term “good news" was heard as a political statement, and how Mark’s use of “time” encourages us also to step into time.

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