Sermon archive.
Easter Sunday
This week, we celebrate Easter and wrap up our series on the Gospel of Mark. We look at the forces at play in Jesus's trial and crucifixion, the women who needed to find their voice to proclaim the good news, and the invitational, circular way the gospel of Mark is structured to help us discover Jesus and meet him in the places we already know.
Good Friday
Here we ask our whys, and remember that God spared nothing to make all things new. That Jesus gave himself over to death to lead us into life. That in his final words Jesus revealed how God knows the language of our doubt and fear. Showing us the road to resurrection, dark as it may be. And we that we don’t have to walk it alone.
All The Times We Miss the Point
Today we look at how on the road to Jerusalem Jesus predicts his death twice more, and twice more his closest friends will miss the point. And hopefully spending time in that story will help us see what we often miss about the way of peace.