Sermon archive.
Easter Sunday
This week, we celebrate Easter and wrap up our series on the Gospel of Mark. We look at the forces at play in Jesus's trial and crucifixion, the women who needed to find their voice to proclaim the good news, and the invitational, circular way the gospel of Mark is structured to help us discover Jesus and meet him in the places we already know.
Good Friday
Here we ask our whys, and remember that God spared nothing to make all things new. That Jesus gave himself over to death to lead us into life. That in his final words Jesus revealed how God knows the language of our doubt and fear. Showing us the road to resurrection, dark as it may be. And we that we don’t have to walk it alone.
All The Times We Miss the Point
Today we look at how on the road to Jerusalem Jesus predicts his death twice more, and twice more his closest friends will miss the point. And hopefully spending time in that story will help us see what we often miss about the way of peace.
Jesus Has No Chill
This week, we talk about Peter’s reaction to Jesus’ predictions of his own death, and how Jesus corrects the disciples’ misconceptions about the Messiah and encourages us to let go of our ideas and ideologies that prevent us from following his way.
Why Does This Question Matter?
This week we dive deeper into the Messianic secret to uncover that Jesus didn’t want to just tell his disciples who he was and what to believe, he wanted them to go through a slow process of coming to understand.
Boundary Markers
Today we settle into the realm of conflict, new perspectives, and what it means to defile one’s heart.
The Point of Walking on Water?
Today we talk about the miracle of Jesus walking on water as a continuation of the miracle of feeding the 5,000. The main point is that Mark wants to open our eyes to see the Divine presence with us not only in the miraculous but also in the mundane.
Contagious Generosity and Loaves
We’re diving back into Mark this Lent. In this first sermon of Mark Part 2, we looked at the feeding of the five thousand and reflected on what it means to participate in the kingdom of God with what we’ve got to share right now.
We wrapped up the series by looking how the stories of healing in Mark encourage us to seek and offer grace to those far and near in our lives.
Calm That Storm
This week we join the disciples in the storm to reflect on our experience of meeting the divine in the moments that rock our world.
All That Soil
This week we look at four parables in Mark 4 and again interpret them in their connectedness. The main point was that truth is being sown in our lives even now, and we need to explore how we hear it, where we make room for mystery of the divine in our lives and how open we are to give ourselves over to the way of things and see the kingdom in the things and life cycles around us.
How to Save a Life
This week we look at four more stories in Mark, to see how Mark uses a package of confrontations to bring differences to the surface and show us how Jesus steadily works on expanding our imagination of the kingdom of God and what the good news is all about.
Social Location of Healing
This week we looked at Mark 1 and 2 and a sequence of four healing stories. Mark uses the narrative itself as a tool to give us a picture of what the kingdom of God is like when we grasp its communal aspect and see how God is at work to heal everything that separates us.
Mark, an Introduction
This week, we begin our new series on the gospel of Mark. In his message on Sunday, Scott invited us to see how the synoptic gospels help us to “see together” without demanding that we all see the same. Scott talked about how Mark frames his gospel as a new beginning, how the term “good news" was heard as a political statement, and how Mark’s use of “time” encourages us also to step into time.