Lesson plans.
Lesson 6: Jesus heals a man born blind.
John 9:1-12 - In this story, Jesus saw a man who was born blind. His disciples assumed that the blindness was caused by sin, and asked Jesus who it was that sinned, the man or his parents. Jesus told them that their assumption was wrong, but that this particular man’s blindness happened so that God could show God’s power and goodness through him. Then Jesus healed him by putting mud on his eyes and telling him to wash it off in a certain pool. When his neighbors saw that he was healed, they were surprised, and he proclaimed to them that it was Jesus who had healed him.
Lesson 5: A soldier’s faith in Jesus.
Matthew 8:5-13 - In this story, a Roman soldier comes to Jesus and asks him to heal his servant who is paralyzed. Jesus asks if he should go to his home to heal the servant, but the soldier says that he knows Jesus can just say the word and his servant will be healed. Jesus is impressed by the soldier’s faith and says that he hasn’t found this kind of faith in all Israel, and that the kingdom of God will be full of people from all cultures and nations in the world. Then Jesus tells the soldier to go home, and the servant is healed instantly.
Lesson 4: Jesus walks on water.
Mark 6:45-52 - After miraculously feeding 5000, Jesus tells his disciples to get on the boat and go ahead of him to another town. After they left, he dismissed the crowds that were following him, and went up to a mountainside to pray, before walking on the water and catching up to them. When they saw Jesus, they thought he was a ghost and were terrified. Jesus announced that it was him, and the disciples were amazed. They still didn’t understand who Jesus was.
Lesson 3: Five loaves and two fish.
Luke 9:10-17 - In this story, Jesus is teaching a large crowd of about 5000 men, plus women and children. After they had been there a long time, his disciples wanted to send them away to find food and lodgings, but Jesus told them that they should be the ones to feed them. They only had five loaves of bread and two fish, but as they distributed them, they found they had more than enough for everyone.
Lesson 2: Jesus calms the storm.
Matthew 8:23-27 - In the passage, Jesus is on a boat with his disciples when a violent storm begins to rage. The disciples are terrified, but Jesus is just sleeping. They cry out to him to save them, he wakes up and tells the storm to be still, and the wind and the waves die down. The disciples are amazed by this display of power and wonder, “What kind of man is this? Even the wind and waves obey him!”
Lesson 1: Water into wine.
John 2:1-11 - Jesus’ very first miracle, as recorded by the Gospel of John, was changing water into wine at a wedding he attended in Cana. Jesus was reluctant to perform this miracle at first, as he did not want to draw the wrong kind of attention to himself this early into his public ministry. However, upon his mother’s request, he did perform this miracle, though he did so in a secretive way so that only his disciples knew what had happened, and as a result, put their faith in him. This miracle reveals that Jesus has power over the created world, and hints at his divine sonship.