Sunday, May 10, 2020

Psalm 33

Curated by Kevin Borst
Hillsong Worship - Who You Say I Am
Commons Worship - Come Thou Fount
Bethel Music - Stand In Your Love

Written by Bobbi Salkeld

It’s interesting, arriving at Mother’s Day this year, now that many of us are staying so close to home. 

I took a moment to call my mom this week and ask her about her own relationship with motherhood. She expressed pride in the independence of her grown kids. She expressed regret in thinking back to a different time with different stressors. She expressed grief at the loss of her own mom, whom she had been losing for a few years on account of failing health before my grandma passed away this spring. 

So motherhood holds so much. Pride. Sadness. Love. 

 I’d like for you - wherever you are - to quiet yourself a little and think about the word “mom.” 
And whatever comes up for you, please join me as we pray together “A Prayer for Mothers Day.”

For those who have welcomed new life this year, 
Who have expanded their roles as mothers, 
Who deepened their connection with children, students, and vulnerable ones 
We pray, 
Mothering God, keep us alert and participating in new beginnings 

For those in the trenches of parenting, 
Who are working so hard to hold together homes now turned into classrooms,
Who are feeding, nurturing, and shaping the lives of children and youth, 
We pray,
Mothering God, keep us adaptive in new chapters and energized to love beyond bounds

For those who have lost a mom, grandma, or a child this year,
Who know waves and waves of regret and grief,
Who experience distance in dear relationships, who struggle with infertility, who are reshaping motherhood for themselves as something bigger than giving birth 
We pray, 
Mothering God, keep us open to creative forms of family at every stage in life

For those who have had to make agonizing decisions, 
Who know the struggle to be seen, understood, and heard,
Who, perhaps at the end of life, are alone and walled off from loved ones,
We pray,
Mothering God, usher us into what is next with your protective and welcoming peace

May God bless you in any reality you bring to the word “mom” today
May you know healing, may you know heroic efforts to thrive, may you know our Mothering God in all things tender and true, 


Apple Music


Sunday, May 17, 2020


Sunday, May 3, 2020